Powerful phablets have traditionally been very expensive until the arrival of the OnePlus One. The Chinese startup that came up with the idea for the “flagship killer” is now working on a sequel and we can expect the upcoming flagship to be even more impressive than the current one. Meanwhile, a few other manufacturers have ...
The dual camera-touting Huawei Honor 6 Plus is now up for grabs and you can get it for the reasonable price of $400. While many tech enthusiasts aren’t crazy about Chinese smartphones, Huawei has made a great case for itself this year, especially with the Ascend Mate 7. The Huawei Honor 6 Plus became pretty ...
The Huawei Honor 6 Plus has just been announced in Beijing and it’s the first Huawei phone to sport dual cameras. The hefty phablet is the first from Huawei to employ a dual camera similar to what we’ve seen on the HTC One M8. The Huawei Honor 6 Plus is a pretty beefy handset with ...