There has been quite a bit of fuss surrounding the recently launched Samsung Galaxy Note 4. The device came out a little earlier in order to compete with the iPhone 6, but it seems like it didn’t come without any problems. Multiple users have reported that Samsung’s latest phablet has a gap between its display ...
The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 made its debut yesterday in its homeland of South Korean. Shortly after the first users were able to get their hands on the device we heard that some of them came across a very unusual problem. It would appear that a few of the phablets had a relatively wide gap ...
Much anticipated alongside the new iPhones was IOS 8, Apple’s newest mobile operating system. Promising the biggest update to the IOS platform EVER, it delivered – many bugs. It seems the new OS was made in haste and from the beginning, IOS 8.0.0 had some significant issues: HealthKit apps are not available in store. There are glitches with ...
A lot of Diablo 3 players have been complaining about pet survivability and the fact that pets are almost useless against many challenging creatures. Blizzard said a while ago that its looking into the situation, but still hasn’t announced a fix for the problem as of yet. However, Game Designer John Yang recently went on the ...
Categories: NEWS, PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Blizzard, Diablo 3, fix, issue, Patch, pet survivability, pets, Toughness