Tag: Issues

Moto G 2014 bugs caused by Android Lollipop will continue to be an issue for a while longer

Having the latest version of Android on your smartphone does not always guarantee a pleasant experience as proven by the Moto G 2014 and the latest Android 5.0.2 Lollipop update. The update started rolling out on Motorola devices earlier this month in the US and while it didn’t come with even more bugs, it didn’t ...

The next Assassin’s Creed Unity patch is expected to fix any remaining issues

It’s no secret that Assassin’s Creed Unity launched in a state that could only be described as unacceptable by most people. I mean, we’re already three patches in and there are still plenty of problems with the game. Luckily, Ubisoft is working as we speak on patch 4, which is expected to fix most of the remaining ...

The Crew will have a smooth launch according to Ubisoft

Ubisoft’s racing MMO The Crew is expected to have a smooth launch next week. This is according to lead game designer Serkan Hasan who seems very confident in the title’s success. As you may have already heard by now, 2014 was not the best year for Ubisoft due to the plethora of problems that were ...

HTC starts shipping Nexus 9 tablets with better hardware quality

It goes without saying that HTC’s Nexus 9 is a mighty fine tablet, but like every other product out there, this device is not perfect. There have been more than a few user reports regarding the bad hardware quality, with most of the complaints being directed at the buttons, although there have been a few ...

Assassin’s Creed Unity Patch 3 in the works, here’s the preview

Assassin’s Creed Unity was releases earlier this week in a less than ideal manner, with plenty of bugs and glitches to go around on all platforms, namely PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The game received generally good reviews (although not great) from most news outlets, but a lot of gamers out there were not so kind due to ...

PS4 update 2.0 comes with a plethora of issues according to user reports

The long awaited firmware update 2.0 is finally live on the PS4, but it didn’t come without any problems unfortunately. Several users have reported a wide variety of issues ever since the update launched, ranging from inability to use newly implemented features like Share Play to the console getting stuck in Rest Mode. There are also ...

First Samsung Galaxy Note 4 owners are experiencing issues with the device

The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 was officially launched earlier today, a bit sooner than previously announced. This decision came as a result of Samsung’s desire to catch up with the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in terms of sales. However, Samsung should have waited a bit longer it seems, as the first users who got their ...

Issues with iOS 8 updates appear

Much anticipated alongside the new iPhones was IOS 8, Apple’s newest mobile operating system. Promising the biggest update to the IOS platform EVER, it delivered – many bugs. It seems the new OS was made in haste and from the beginning, IOS 8.0.0 had some significant issues: HealthKit apps are not available in store. There are glitches with ...