While denuvo’s anti-tampering tech was originally supposed to be the answer to video game piracy on PC, as time passed more and more started figuring it out. One prominent hacker has finally been caught for his deeds, which began when he rose to fame for cracking it back in 2016. The man in question is ...
Last month Microsoft offered to provide users of Windows 7 and 8.1 with the upcoming Windows 10 for free. Terry Myerson, Executive Vice President of Operating Systems at Microsoft, clarified to Reuters shortly thereafter that the upgrade would include “all qualified PCs, genuine and non-genuine,” meaning that anyone with Windows 7 or 8.1—regardless of whether ...
Internet service providers in Australia might be hit with a new piece of legislation soon that will require their action in the prevention of piracy in the online medium. A new bill called the Copyright Amendment was brought in front of Parliament in Australia today, proposing the complete block of websites that may contain and ...
Developer 11 bit studios released This War of Mine last Friday only to find out that it was almost immediately cracked and uploaded to The Pirate Bay for anyone to download for free. This is of course not a novelty in the world of PC gaming as piracy has been around for many, many years. ...
Internet service providers and governments have been looking for ways of dealing with piracy for the longest time. Most of the measures tested revolve around punishing people who download files illegally or just outright blocking access to torrent websites altogether. While mildly successful, these measures arn’t really a solution and most pirates know ways of ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: BPI, campaign, Creative Content UK, download, education, government, initiative, ISPs, Motion Picture Association, piracy, pirates, punishment, torrent, Virgin Media
An Argentinian music industry group that goes by the name of CAPIF managed to obtain a blocking injunction against The Pirate Bay a few days ago. This action lead to 11 internet service providers being forced to block 256 Birate Bay IP addresses and 12 domains, which made the torrent website almost completely inaccessible throughout the county. Argentina ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: anti-piracy, Argentina, blockade, CAPIF, hackers, music industry, piracy, Pirate Bay, proxy, The Pirate Bay, torrent
CD Projekt Red are not the only company that thinks DRM is bad for the industry, Ubisoft also shares a similar opinion. The Witcher 3 devs recently stated that gamers “are not criminals and they do not need DRM.” Now Ubisoft steps forth and says that digital rights management are punishing paying players while also admitting ...
Categories: ARTICLES, LTG Slider
Tags: CD Projekt Red, crackers, devs, digital rights management, drm, gamers, industry, piracy, pirates, The Witcher 3, Ubisoft