By now you may have noticed the new little Windows icon at the bottom right of your computer screen. That new logo has been patched in to anyone’s PC with an officially registered Windows 7 or 8.1 OS; if you can see it that’s because you qualify for the free upgrade to Windows 10. Clicking ...
Microsoft surprised everyone last month when it announced that Windows 9 is no more and the new version of the operating system will be called Windows 10 instead. Shortly after making the announcement the tech giant launched a technical preview to give us a taste of what the OS is all about. This preview can ...
The very same folks that ported the Android L developer preview to the Nexus 4 and HTC One M7 have now managed another impressive feat. XDA developers have succeeded in porting the CyanogenMod 11S from the OnePlus One to the Google Nexus 5. CyanogenMod 11S is a custom firmware based on the Android 4.4.4 operating system. There ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: Android 4.4.4, Android L, CyanogenMod 11s, developers, download, HTC One M7, installation, instructions, Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7, OnePlus One, port, XDA
The game everyone and their mothers have been talking about for the last couple of weeks is finally available for download on the PS4 via the PlayStation Network. I’m talking about The Last of Us Remastered of course. The game takes up more than 40GB of hard drive space so you better start downloading now ...
Categories: LTG Slider, NEWS, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS
Tags: download, features, improvements, Issues, PlayStation Network, PlayStation Store, problems, PS4, PSN, size, The Last of Us Rematered
With selfies being ever so popular these days somebody was bound to create an Android app that could help people with that endeavor. Interestingly enough, the app was made by none other than Automattic, the creators of WordPress. One might wonder why this thing hasn’t exploded yet given the massive amount of people that are obsessed ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: Android, app, Automattic, download, Facebook, Free, Google Play, Instagram, selfies, Slingshot, Snapchat, Twitter, Wordpress
Internet service providers and governments have been looking for ways of dealing with piracy for the longest time. Most of the measures tested revolve around punishing people who download files illegally or just outright blocking access to torrent websites altogether. While mildly successful, these measures arn’t really a solution and most pirates know ways of ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: BPI, campaign, Creative Content UK, download, education, government, initiative, ISPs, Motion Picture Association, piracy, pirates, punishment, torrent, Virgin Media
After being released for Android about two years ago, Google Analytics is now finally available for the iPhone 5 and other iOS devices as well. The app gives you access to your Google Analytics web data directly from your device while also offering Real Time reports that allow you to monitor recent changes. You can download the ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: compatibility, download, features, Google Analytics, iOS, iOS Store, iPad, iPhone, iPhone 5, iPod touch, requirements
Ever since the Android L preview was released at the end of June more and more developers have tried their hand at making it available on a wide range of devices. Initially, the alpha build could only be tested on the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 (2013) with the Nexus 4 to follow earlier this month. Now ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: Alpha, Android L, developer preview, download, features, HTC One M7, instructions, Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7, XDA
As many of you are probably aware by now, Google released a developer preview of the Android L shortly after the operating system was announced at this year’s I/O. Until now this version was only available for the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 (2013), but developers recently got it working on the Nexus 4 as ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: Android L, developer preview, download, Google, HTC, improvements, installation, instructions, Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7, Nexus 7 (2013), OnePlus
Smartphone owners are not the only ones eager to test out Android L, a lot of manufacturers are also just as excited to see their products equipped with the latest version of the operating system. OnePlus recently confirmed that their highly sought after OnePlus One handset will receive Android L within three months after the ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: Android L, developer preview, download, Google, HTC, HTC One M7, HTC One M8, improved battery life, instructions, Nexus 5, Nexus 7, OnePlus, OnePlus One, Release Date