PlayStation Now Subscription prices have been announced by the PlayStation Blog with an accompanying YouTube video explanation. On January 13, coming first to PlayStation 4, various PlayStation Now games will all be available to stream for one subscription price. The PlayStation Now subscription price is broken between a one month and three month package at $19.99 and ...
PlayStation Now is Sony’s new streaming service that lets gamers stream games over the internet. Now it seems gamers will not have to own a console in order to use the service. Sony has just announced that they will be bringing PlayStation Now to Samsung Smart TVs. The service will be launched as an app ...
Sony announced that, on Monday, September the 13th, PlayStation Network will go down for a network maintenance. They approximate that the duration of the downtime will be of around seven hours. According to Sony, those who signed in to the network any time since Wednesday will be able to play games online and access partner ...
Categories: LTG Slider, NEWS, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, PS Vita
Tags: Borderlands: the Pre-sequel, downtime, PlayStation 3, Playstation 4, PlayStation Network, playstation now, PlayStation TV, PSN, PSN maintenance
Sony has revealed that their streaming service PlayStation Now will be coming to selected televisions on 30 June. In a post on their official site, the company explained that a Private Pilot Service will begin in the United States, giving users the ability to stream PlayStation 3 games directly to their television without the need ...