Tag: Ubisoft

More Assassin’s Creed Chronicles spin-offs in the works

Back in September, Ubisoft had announced Assassin’s Creed Unity’s season pass will include a 2.5D spin-off taking place in ancient China called Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China. Now, the French publisher has revealed its plans to release several other entries in the Chronicles sub-franchise, each featuring its own history and art-style. “We really liked the side-scrolling ...

Far Cry 4’s season pass brings in yetis, prison breaks, new PvP

Publisher Ubisoft has just revealed the contents of Far Cry 4’s upcoming season pass, which include – among others – yetis! Besides encountering the rarest beasts of the Himalayas, season pass owners will also be able to dive into new missions, these ranging from a prison escape focused on cooperation with another player to “wild” ...

Jade Raymond – AC’s first producer – leaves Ubisoft

Ubisoft has just announced that after ten years of collaboration with the publisher, managing director Jade Raymond has decided to “pursue future opportunities” separately from said company. One of Ubisoft Toronto’s founding team member – Alexandre Parizeau – will take on Raymond’s position starting October 29th. During her development years at the French publisher, Raymond ...

Watch 9 new Far Cry 4 features in this gameplay video

A Far Cry 4 gameplay video released by Outside Xbox unveils 9 new features that will be present in Ubisoft’s upcoming game, apart from the elephant riding and the kicking ability that were already showcased. First of all, Far Cry 4 has a new karmic system that gamers might not like too much. It works ...

Ubisoft says The Crew will hit 60fps on PC

Ubisoft announced that they are working to remove the 30fps cap that PC users encountered during the closed beta. According to the developer, if your hardware supports it, you will be able to run The Crew even at 60fps. While the Xbox One and PlayStation versions are locked at 30 frames per second, Ubisoft decided ...

Assassin’s Creed: Unity trailer presents the game’s characters

With less than a month left until the release date of Assassin’s Creed: Unity, Ubisoft is busy promoting their game as much as possible. For this reason, the developer just released a brand new trailer, in which voice actors present the characters they play within Assassin’s Creed: Unity. The first actor to speak about his ...

Far Cry 4 director reveals PS4 resolution and FPS, shares other game related details

Ubisoft has lately developed a habit of showing up in weekly news with behind the scenes info on their upcoming titles, and this time Far Cry 4 holds the front page with two well known and overly debated subjects: resolution and FPS. On top of this, news on single-player campaign length have emerged. This time, ...

Assassin’s Creed Rogue gets lots of new screenshots, artwork

Publisher Ubisoft has released a fresh batch of screenshots and artwork pieces for its upcoming final chapter in the North American Assassin’s Creed saga, Assassin’s Creed Rogue. These latest screens depict various environments like a harbor or an industrial complex, protagonist Shay’s ship besieging a fortress or taking on other vessels, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black ...

Assassin’s Creed Rogue’s story-trailer reveals its PC version

Publisher Ubisoft has released a new trailer for its upcoming last generation exclusive third-person open-world action/adventure title, Assassin’s Creed Rogue. This latest video delves into protagonist Shay’s life before joining the Templar order, meaning it shows us his interactions with the Assassin order. As a bonus, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag’s Adéwalé also makes an ...

Far Cry 4’s latest trailer presents us the Lowlands

Publisher Ubisoft has released a new trailer for its upcoming first-person open-world action/adventure title set in the Himalayas, Far Cry 4. This latest video introduces us to a peaceful region of Kyrat called the ‘Lowlands’, which is a massive piece of land where the local culture goes about its daily business. Of course, nothing stays quiet ...