Publisher Ubisoft’s open-world first-person shooter Far Cry 4 has recently been released on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Out of all these platforms, the PC version includes an option to change the game’s field of view. That said, the customisation is only available if you download Far Cry 4’s ...
In these past several days, publisher Ubisoft has been “under siege” from the gaming community almost on a non-stop basis, mainly because of how poorly-received Assassin’s Creed Unity was. From game-breaking bugs to simply hilarious glitches or abysmal frame-rate issues, it’s pretty clear Unity needed more time in the incubator. Unfortunately, said hatred now seems ...
Ubisoft has lately developed a habit of showing up in weekly news with behind the scenes info on their upcoming titles, and this time Far Cry 4 holds the front page with two well known and overly debated subjects: resolution and FPS. On top of this, news on single-player campaign length have emerged. This time, ...
Categories: LTG Slider, NEWS, PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Alex Hutchinson, Far Cry 4, FPS, PS4, resolution, Ubisoft, Xbox One
We already knew that Ubisoft’s Far Cry 4 will not include any playable female characters, but apparently women will play an important role in the upcoming title nevertheless. Creative director Alex Hutchinson revealed for Outside Xbox that we’ll be seeing a lot of ladies throughout the game. The company “tried very hard to make sure of ...
Categories: NEWS, PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Alex Hutchinson, antagonists, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Blood Dragon, Far Cry 4, female characters, female protagonists, Sunset Overdrive, Ubisoft, women