Hearthstone players: pick a card, any card… for $10. Blizzard’s wildly popular Hearthstone sees its fan base grow more and more each month. With over 30 million registered users, it’s easy to see that the game has become a somewhat unexpected success. To answer the call for an expanded roster, Blizzard isn’t going as far ...
Azeroth has became a desolate and forbidding place once again. Last night, a Blizzard community manager announced that 100,000 World of Warcraft accounts have been banned for using bots. The World of Warcraft bans will run for 6 months. Lore, the cannily named community manager in question, stated: “We’ve recently taken action against a large ...
On Thursday, the fourth wing for Hearthstone’s newest Adventure, Blackrock Mountain, was released. Over the past few weeks, Hearthstone players have had the opportunity to play single-player Hearthstone encounters based on one of the most iconic zones in World of Warcraft. The past wings have included Blackrock Depths, Molten Core, and Blackrock Spire. The Adventure ...
With the release of Blizzard’s next expansion, Warlords of Draenor, a subscription fee increase has been announced. This change will come to fruition from 13th November. Blizzard explained on their forums: “We regularly look at our pricing around the world and from time to time we make changes in light of local and regional market conditions. ...
As you probably know already, Robin Williams, one of the greatest actors of our time has sadly passed away recently. Aside from being an incredible actor and comedian, Robin was also a fellow gamer who enjoyed playing The Legend of Zelda, Warcraft 3, and World of Warcraft among others. He reportedly spent quite a bit of time ...
Categories: MMORPG, NEWS, PC
Tags: Blizzard, Mannaroth server, Nintendo, NPC, petition, Robin Williams, the legend of zelda, World of Warcraft, WoW
A new area that is coming to World of Warcraft through the Warlords of Draenor expansion has been shown by Blizzard. The Tanaan Jungle is one of the largest areas you’ll be able to enter in the latest expansion and is home to a number of Orc heroes. Speaking on its blog Blizzard spoke what ...
A World of Warcraft player has achieved something that no other player in the game’s history has achieved previously: hitting the level cap without choosing a faction. The man’s name is Doubleagent–at least that is his character’s name–hit the level 90 cap on June 21, 2014 without choosing to be a member of the Horde ...
The next couple of years will be absolute gold for the people at Blizzard. With an expansion for Starcraft 2 still looming, Warlords of Draenor for WoW set to come out soon, Heroes of the Storm ready to tackle the wider MOBA audience and Hearthstone to receive a single player add-on, it looks that the ...