Star Citizen reached the $50 million milestone

Star Citizen, the upcoming space simulator by Cloud Imperium Games and legendary Director Chris Roberts has surpassed $50 million in funding. At the time of this writing the game sits exactly at $51,079,723, which is mighty impressive considering this is a crowdfunded project. 525, 174 people have contributed with various sums towards creating this highly ambitious title according to its official website. Fortunately their money will not go to waste as Chris Roberts promised earlier this year that if Star Citizen reaches $50 million Cloud Imperium Games will implement alien languages for the game. “Do you speak Banu? We will work with real-world linguists to create distinctive and realistic alien languages for Star Citizen’s three biggest alien races, the Vanduul, the Xi’An and the Banu. No universal translators, no garbled animal noises: Star Citizen’s aliens will be speaking their own authentic languages!” the announcement said.

That definitely sounds very interesting and should provide a strong sense of authenticity to the game. Needless to say, Chris Roberts is just as excited as the backers to see – or rather to hear – this feature make the game. “I’m excited about this one and looking forward to meeting the first fan who learns to speak one of our languages,” Roberts said a while back. He didn’t mention anything about the new stretch goal for Star Citizen, but an announcement will probably be made any day now. In related news, most of the money raised lately came from the sales of Constellation class ships. This is the new line-up of ships introduced to the game and they each cost a pretty hefty sum.


The cheapest one goes by the name of 10″ and can be purchased for $125, but this is limited edition and there are only a few left. Next in line are the Constellation Taurus ($150), Constellation Andromeda ($225), Constellation Aquilla ($275), and Constellation Phoenix ($350). Cloud Imperium Games launched a new trailer when these ships were added to Star Citizen, check it out below.