Team Meat will reveal their new game at PAX Prime 2014

Team Meat, the developers of the critically acclaimed indie game “Super Meat Boy”, revealed their next project,”A Voyeur for September”. For now, they only released a short teaser, but they announced that the the game will be fully unveiled during PAX Prime, which takes place in Seattle from the 29th of August to the 1st of September this year.

The developer states that “A Voyeur for September” will be a live-action stealth game. This is also confirmed by the trailer, which shows footage of someone looking into a house, where ordinary events happen. Team Meat’s new production will be released on the PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android and, according to the PAX Indie Megabooth website, it will be available in physical format as well.

During PAX, the game will be part of the Indie Megabooth, which reunites nearly 90 companies and over 100 games. This “Megabooth” was created specifically for promoting indie games to the players and the press. This project has grown consistently since its appearance at PAX 2012, when it consisted of only 16 studios and is expected to keep growing as indie development becomes more and more popular.

Team Meat is made out of two developers, Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes, who worked together on several games. Super Meat Boy, their most succesful product, is an insanely difficult platformer spanning over 300 levels. The game was released in 2010 for XBLA, WiiWare and PC. When asked whether Super Meat Boy will be released on PS3 the developers replied that it’s never going to happen because Sony didn’t show interest in the game when they needed a publisher. Furthermore, their contracts with Nintendo and Microsoft exclude the possibility of a Playstation release.

Their other game, beside the one that they will reveal at PAX 2014 is called Mew-Genics and is a game about cats.