Bethesda says The Elder Scrolls Online patch fixes skill experience issues
Bethesda announced that the maintenance of their Elder Scrolls Online North American megaserver is complete and that everything is back to normal.
Following the maintenance, Bethesda also released Patch 1.4.7, which according to them, fixes one of the two major issues with skill experience. More specifically, due to these problems, players are lead to believe that their skill experience is rolling back between gameplay sessions. Bethesda ensures that your experience is still there and that they currently looking into another issue that might have the same effect. The exact thing that this patch is doing is making sure that skill experience bonuses will now be properly calculated when you swap kill bars.
You will also be happy to know that Update 5 is on the Public Test Server as we speak. The update contains a Veteran Dungeon, called City of Ash, which introduces dangerous new challenges. The new facial animations introduced in this patch make NPC’s more lifelike during conversations. Furthermore, The Undaunted will now reward you once a day for specific dungeons runs. You will also be able to obtain certification in your crafting skills and then complete Writs for inspiration, materials and special Survey Reports. Enemies will scale to the level of the group leader and, last but least, more quests will be streamlined so that you aren’t separated from your group as often while adventuring. Bethesda announced that, apart from these patch highlights, more features are coming, including the new Dwemer crafting style, a new item set to craft and chat bubbles among others. The update will also fix several bugs and contain various other improvements that you can find out by clicking here.
The Elder Scrolls Online is a MMORPG game developed by ZeniMax Online Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It was released on April 4, 2014 on PC and Mac OS and it is expected to arrive on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One sometime later this year or in 2015.
Categories: NEWS, PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
Tags: Bethesda Softworks, Elder Scrolls maintenance, Elder Scrolls Online update 5, Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls Online, Zenimax
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