It’s fair to say that physical fighting is a key component of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, a beloved but dated fantasy role-playing game from Bethesda. It never seems to get old to lash out violently at adversaries with a large sword, axe, or warhammer, tossing them around with your weapon of death like armour-plated ...
Skyrim remains, to this day, one of the more popular RPGs. Entries in Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls series continue to thrive for years after their release due to support of the vibrant modding community. With the recent release of Skyrim Special Edition, Bethesda brought updated graphics to the best selling 2011 RPG, but many on PC ...
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was one of the biggest success histories of the seventh generation of consoles, the open world fantasy rpg developed by Bethesda Game Studios and released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC in 2011 was incredibly acclaimed and its sales were outstanding even when compared to its successful predecessor ...
With the release of Skyrim: Special Edition just a day away, the good people at Bethesda are offering something very special to certain people of the world. Partnered with the Bourke Street Bakery, Bethesda are offering free sweet rolls to the people of Australia, especially those who live in the bakery’s home town, Sydney, on ...
Bethesda Teaser gets tongues waggling With the launch date for the new Skyrim reboot just a whisker away, Bethesda has decided to wet our ravenous appetites with a sumptuous teaser from the creators of this epic fantasy saga. Live with youtube gaming has released an exclusive taster on the 20 October showing off what’s in ...
In Nintendo’s preview trailer for their new console the Switch, formerly known as the Nintendo NX, the company debuted footage of a new Mario game. Alongside glimpses of Skyrim running on the Switch, as well as Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Splatoon, around the two-minute mark in the trailer you can spot some gameplay of ...
May 19 is only a few weeks away. Anticipation couldn’t be any higher as CD Projekt’s The Witcher 3 promises to outdeliver Bethesda’s classic, Skyrim. By learning from it’s mistakes in The Witcher 2, CD Projekt has given new life to the world of Geralt, as an army known as The Wild Hunt invade the Northern Kingdoms. Players, ...
Categories: NEWS, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Microsoft, Playstation, Skyrim, sony, The Witcher 3, Xbox
No matter where you go, the general consensus in the games industry is that PS4 has a bigger, better library than Xbox One! But is this really true? It’s very easy to just tally the numbers of games and pick out the few highest rated to make an assertion regarding a console’s superiority. PS4 has more games, ...
Categories: ARTICLES, NEWS, OPINION PIECES, Playstation 4, SCREENSHOTS, Xbox One
Tags: Halo 5, kazooie, list, Microsoft, RPG, shooters, Skyrim, sony, Uncharted 4, Versus, Video, Xbox One
There is a serious issue in the games industry with developers releasing countless sequels to games in which sequels aren’t even warranted. It’s a case of corporate greed and lack of originality, and incessant demand from easily-pleased consumers. You see it in the film industry and in even within the music industry too, but I won’t bore ...
Categories: LTG Slider, Mobile, NEWS, OPINION PIECES, PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Bound By Flame 2, Bully 2, Elder Scrolls VI, Enslaved 2, Little Big Adventure 3, Red Dead Redemption, Sequels, Skyrim
Well, this ought to be interesting: on E3 2015, Bethesda will have their first ever E3 conference. The RPG giant known for such hits as the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series have been known to create sweeping games full of grand spectacle, but never have they had their own specific conference for them to show ...