SOE Kicks Off the Holiday Celebration Across its Game Library
SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) hosts a large library of MMOs, including DC Universe Online, EverQuest, and PlanetSide 2. To help celebrate the holidays, SOE will be holding special events across a large number of its games.
The first game that SOE will have an event for is DC Universe Online. In this game, players can take on a special mission where they have to take on Larfleeze and his Orange Lantern Corp minions. Players can confront the thief in a special boss battle and earn themselves some holiday cheer and presents. Feats and rewards from last year are back, in addition to new base items, styles, a feat, and collection. Players can take part of this event from now until January 6th. In Dragon’s Prophet, the Silver Dragon Festival is being celebrated, being a time of good cheer. However, the festival has fallen prey to the misdeeds of a group of goblins and giants. To bring peace, the people must come together to stop the goblins and giants. However, the Great Dragons do not want to see killing during the event, so the people must use the “snow gift of light” to make snowballs and snowmen to restore peace. This event will go on ffrom now until January 15th.
EverQuest and EverQuest II are the next SOE games to gain holiday events. Starting now and lasting until January 7th, a number of quests will be available in EverQuest, such as the “Saving Santug” quest. These quests will reward players with some holiday themed bounties. Gamers can also see Santug from December 24-26, and will receive extra special gifts. Those looking for some holiday decorations can grab some festive items in the marketplace. Taking place now until January 8th, EverQuest 2 players can take on some holiday themed quests, plus a few exciting new surprises for the year’s holidays. Along with new craftables, daily presents, and merchants items is a brand new quest called “The Great Candy (Cane) Chase.”
The SOE final game that will have holiday festivities will be PlanetSide 2. Auraximas is back, and snowmen have returned to Esamir, while Stone Snowmen can be found on all other continents. Players can earn XP by taking out the snowmen, as well as in-game rewards, such as a “Snowblower” title, cert points, and more. On top of Auraximus, the “12 Days of Camo” event will take place between December 7th to the 18th. There will be a new special camo available in the marketplace at a sale price. Players who buy at least 6 of the special camos before the 25th will receive a unique bonus camo.
Categories: NEWS, PC, Playstation 4
Tags: DC Universe Online, Dragon's Prophet, EverQuest, Planetside 2, Sony Online Entertainment
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