Twitch Resets Passwords After Possible Breach
According to a post on the official Twitch blog, there was a possible breach of security which allowed unauthorized access to information such as passwords, limited credit card information, email address, and other information. This Twitch breach prompted them to reset passwords and expire stream keys, as well as removing any links to your Twitter and YouTube accounts. As a result of the Twitch breach, they have also sent out an email with further details on exactly what sort of information was accessed:
“We are writing to let you know that there may have been unauthorized access to some of your Twitch user account information, including possibly your Twitch username and associated email address, your password, the last IP address you logged in from, limited credit card information (card type, truncated card number and expiration date), and any of the following if you provided it to us: first and last name, phone number, address, and date of birth. PLEASE NOTE: Twitch does not store or process full credit or debit card information, so your card number is safe.
While we store passwords in a cryptographically protected form, we believe it’s possible that your password could have been captured in clear text by malicious code when you logged into our site on March 3rd. For your protection, we have expired your password and stream keys. In addition, if you had connected your account to Twitter or YouTube, we have terminated this connection.
You will be prompted to create a new password the next time you attempt to log into your Twitch account. If applicable, you will also need to re-connect your account to Twitter and YouTube, and re-authenticate through Facebook, once you change your password. We also recommend that you change your password at any other website where you use the same or a similar password. We apologize for this inconvenience.”
The Twitch Team
In today’s world, where people often make their living solely on the internet, hacking has become rampant. Internet security breaches are extremely common, especially as we’ve seen in the gaming world over the past few months. This Twitch breach should remind us all to keep up with changing our passwords regularly and making sure that we are creating secure passwords as well. Unfortunately, hacking will be something that we will have to deal with as long as the internet is around, and so it falls on us to make sure that we are making an effort to secure our information.