The Switch’s Free-To-Download Exclusive Fishing Will Be Added to Ninjala
If you’ve left Ninjala behind, there may be a good cause for you to come back if you do. GungHo recently revealed that the Switch exclusive will include fishing in its Season 12 update, which came as somewhat of a surprise.
Any sizable body of water will be accessible for players to throw a line into. According to reports, there will also be fishing missions, competitions, and a “Aquapedia” where you may keep track of everything you’ve caught. Depending on the region, players will also be able to use various fishing techniques.
We're adding a new activity to the WNA Resort in Season 12, Ninjala Fishing!
Get different fish by using different fishing methods in different locations.
We're also planning Ninjala Fishing tournaments.
Check out the details in the latest Dev Diary!
— PlayNinjala (@playninjala) January 5, 2023
There are three types of fishing available: surf fishing with bait, surf fishing, and pole-and-line (lure). The video below shows the new fishing mechanic in action.
On January 12, Season 12 will premiere. Will you visit Ninjala once more to play this game?
Categories: NEWEST GAME TRAILERS, NEWS, Nintendo Switch, PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4
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