The President of Nintendo Declares That Switch Sales Have Passed 139 Million and Will Be Their “Main Business” in 2024

Nintendo recently released its quarterly financial results, which disclosed that the sales of Switch hardware have reached an impressive 139.36 million units sold as of December 31, 2023. This remarkable achievement reflects the ongoing success of the system since its launch in March 2017.

The number of units sold in December increased compared to November, with Nintendo experiencing a successful holiday season. As a result, the company has revised its projections for hardware sales and overall profit for the year.

According to Bloomberg, during a conference call after the report was released, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa stated that the Switch, particularly the current model, would continue to be the company’s primary focus until 2024.

The company now predicts that sales of 15.5 million Switches will be achieved before the end of the fiscal year (March), representing a half-million increase. In terms of sales, there was a 6% decline, which, while not unexpected given the Switch’s long presence in the market, was not as significant as initially predicted. The system is still selling well as it approaches its eighth year on the market, with rumors of new Nintendo hardware circulating.

Examining the divide among the different Switch models, the OLED variant emerged as the clear favorite, experiencing a boost in sales compared to the same period last year. The report highlights a strong demand not only from new buyers but also from those seeking additional or replacement purchases.

In 2023, the number of users who played software reached an unprecedented high of over 122 million.

Let’s take a closer look at the hardware split, combining the sales from the first three quarters of the fiscal year:

  • Total Switch hardware sales FY2024/Apr-Dec: 13.74 million
  • Total Standard Switch sales FY2024/Apr-Dec: 3.4 million
  • Total Switch OLED sales FY2024/Apr-Dec: 8.17 million
  • Total Switch Lite sales FY2024/Apr-Dec: 2.18 million

Here’s the latest update on Nintendo’s overall hardware sales table as of December 31, 2023:

Total Sales (Millions)
3DS 75.94
DS 154.02
Family Computer / NES 61.91
Game Boy 118.69
Game Boy Advance 81.51
GameCube 21.74
N64 32.93
Super Family Computer (SNES) 49.10
Switch 139.36
Wii 101.63
Wii U 13.56

The Switch continues to thrive, and while fans and analysts are eagerly anticipating news about a potential ‘Switch 2’, Nintendo doesn’t seem to be in a rush to make any announcements at the moment.