My Time At Sandrock receives a fantastic update with improved visuals and exciting new content
When My Time at Sandrock arrived on Switch in November 2023, it’s fair to say that it wasn’t in the best shape. Similar to a gamer, the farm sim fell short in terms of excitement, with lackluster graphics and performance problems, making it far from impressive.
Thankfully, since its release, developer Pathea Games has rolled out several updates to improve the overall performance. Today, a new arrival has graced us, as the ‘New Year Better Me’ free update elevates Sandrock to version . 1.2.2 in a stylish manner.
The emphasis this time seems to have been on the game’s performance problems and visual deficiencies (yay!). Enhancements encompass heightened FPS stability, sharper shadows, enhanced lighting realism, updated grass textures, reduced UI loading times, and more. Publisher PM Studios has released a comparison video showcasing the enhancements in action. You can check it out on the My Time at Sandrock YouTube channel or at the end of this article.
Performance is not the only aspect that has been addressed in this update, though. The patch also introduces new questlines, items, an exciting roguelike endgame dungeon, thrilling theme park rides, a revamped planting system, and much more. Here is a detailed breakdown of these changes from the publisher’s summary:
NEW! Visual Performance and FPS Boost. Game performance has been positively transformed throughout Sandrock to ensure a smoother and snappier play experience. Improvements include nearby and distant shadows having higher fidelity, more realistic lighting and illumination effects, better grass textures, improved facial shadows and lighting and more. Sandrock has never looked better or run better on the Nintendo Switch!
NEW! Dynamic factory queue system. The former 20 item limit has been increased and offers players more flexibility and options when managing workshop tasks.
NEW! Say hello to the Keyboard Sword! Experience new quests, weapons and hairstyles designed in collaboration with the My Time at Sandrock Kickstarter backers. This new content offers increased character customisation options (ranging from the beautiful to the bizarre), more combat choices and two new emotionally impactful questlines.
NEW! Roguelike Endgame Dungeon named Dead Sea Ruins, located in Lab 7, which will test the combat skills of even the most hardened adventurer.
NEW! Rideable Rollercoaster and Merry-Go-Round added to Catori World theme park.
NEW! NPC Cooking and Repeatable Daily Side Quests – Cook delicious dishes with your in-game partner and embark on daily missions.
NEW! Letter system which allows players to receive in-game mail from their parents and photos from NPCs which are added as memorable moments in the story album.
NEW! Magic Mirror planting system which allows builders to more easily manage harvesting, watering and other agricultural actions.
Today, you can get the “New Year, Better Me” update for free on Switch. Along with planned paid cosmetic items, Pathea and PM Studios have also said again that they will keep adding free holiday content until 2024.
Categories: NEWS, Nintendo Switch
Tags: featured, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch