Category: NEWS

From gaming console to notebook: The XBOOK ONE is here to stay

This brilliant idea comes from a talented hardware modder, Edward Zarick, who is no stranger to building custom Xbox console-based notebooks, baptizing them “XBOOKS.” Having his hands full in the past customizing Xbox 360 consoles, he found himself on the spot with the appearance of the new Xbox One and knew he had to turn ...

Microsoft’s latest bold concept: Playing Xbox on your PC browser

Silicon Valley giant, Microsoft, has been reportedly testing out new ways to innovate its Xbox console gaming experience. According to Neowin, Microsoft is trying to bring Xbox games to PC via an internet browser. This might sound crazy, but latest feeds from the company show that they have in fact build a cloud-based gaming service ...

Diablo 3 getting a pet fixing patch in the near future

A lot of Diablo 3 players have been complaining about pet survivability and the fact that pets are almost useless against many challenging creatures. Blizzard said a while ago that its looking into the situation, but still hasn’t announced a fix for the problem as of yet. However, Game Designer John Yang recently went on the ...

Extra details on “A Golden Wake” revealed

“A Golden Wake” is a point and click indie adventure game, developed by Francisco Gonzales (known for the Ben Jordan series) and published by Wadjet Eye Games. The game is set in the 1920’s, in the state of Miami. It will be released on the 9th of October for Windows, MAC and Linux. During the ...

Destiny takes the crown as the most successful new IP launch in the UK

Some of us were truly amazed by the amount of hype surrounding Destiny, especially since the game generally only got average reviews from critics. However, this didn’t stop millions of people worldwide from purchasing Bungie’s latest title and helping it become even more popular in the process. Destiny was particularly well received in the UK ...

Assassin’s Creed Unity’s side-missions include sending (innocent) people to jail

Besides the usual story-missions, every main entry in the Assassin’s Creed franchise features a plethora of side activities, and – as expected – the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Unity makes no difference. In a recent interview with Total Xbox, Unity’s creative director Alexandre Amancio has revealed that one of protagonist Arno’s activities while off-duty from his ...

Microsoft’s acquisition of Minecraft is said to be announced this Monday

A few days ago rumors started surfacing that Microsoft is reportedly trying to buy Mojang, the creators of Minecraft. Now, it seems like this wasn’t just a mere rumor as a source close to the matter told Reuters that the deal will be officially announced this Monday. Microsoft is presumably interested in boosting the Windows ...

League of Legends undergoing mass texture overhaul

Riot announced a while back that its working on updating the Summoner’s Rift map, but it looks like that was just the first step. Now the company says that many League of Legends Champions will undergo certain changes as well. Don’t worry, Riot isn’t planning on changing any abilities or stats right as the changes they ...