Category: Nintendo Switch

Pokemon Games Will NEVER Have A Full Pokedex Again

Pokemon Sword and Shield is slated to launch exclusively for Nintendo Switch later this month, making it the first time that a main game in the series has launched for a home console. Despite buzz around the game being mostly positive, there is one area that has stirred up a bit of controversy: the Pokedex. ...

Top 5 BEST RPGs On Nintendo Switch

In just over two years the Nintendo Switch has already built up an impressive library, with just about every genre being accounted for. This of course is thanks to the fantastic job that Nintendo has been doing in churning out excellent first-party titles, but the vastly improved third-party support has really put things over the ...

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Waluigi DLC – Is It Happening?

Last year saw the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the first installment of the series on Switch and a game many consider to be the best of the entire franchise. The game literally has every character that the series has ever offered, and is adding more via post-launch DLC. While we’ve already gotten a ...