Sony has rolled out two new devices, a Bluetooth speaker dubbed BSP10 and a Bluetooth headset dubbed SBH60. Both the speaker and the headset use Bluetooth to connect to a smartphone or tablet. The Bluetooth speaker is a round, fairly small portable speaker measuring 78 x 60 mm and weighing 300g. Integrated controls for power, volume, ...
When the Moto X was launched, it didn’t come alone, but with a sidekick called the Moto Skip. This little device was often given out for free with some purchases and it served the purpose of unlocking your phone. The Skip is much like any other token or unlocking device that you pin somewhere and ...
After Windows Phone 8.1 was released last month, Microsoft rushed to include its first update. As the Windows Phone has been behind iOS and Android in terms of common features since… forever, the updated finally tries to catch up and provide a smoother user experience. The most highlighted of all features is the now common action of ...
Who hasn’t dreamed about being able to find their personal lost items by calling them or making them ring, when in a rush? Keys, bags, objects that are not interconnected, it is a nightmare to loose them in the chaos of your office or home. Now, our dreams came true. The Bluetooth-powered lost item finder ...
If you were to choose between these two smartphones, which one would you choose? OnePlus One has hit the market with very powerful specifications and HTC One (M8) is known to be the almost-perfect smartphone. The price is not yet concrete for OnePlus One, but we definitely know that HTC One stays somewhere around 600-700$, ...
Categories: Mobile, Tech
Tags: 4.4, Android, Apple, bluetooth, China, HTC, KitKat, memory, Mobile, OnePlus One, Price, processor, quad core, quality, Samsung, SD slot, smartphone, technology