Back in June during the WWDC Apple unveiled Metal, a new gaming technology for the iOS 8. One of the titles used to showcase this new tech at the event was Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare and it did look pretty nice if I do say so myself, but now we have something even better. ...
Categories: Mobile, NEWS, Tech
Tags: Apple, Dota 2, gaming tech, iOS 8, iPhone 6, Iphone 6 Plus, League of Legends, metal, MOBA, Super Evil Megacorp, Vainglory
The Galaxy Alpha wasn’t the only surprise Samsung prepared for this month, because the company has also announced its new Exynos 5430 SoC, based on a 20nm processing tech. As a matter of fact, the Exynos 5430 is the only SoC that’s based on the 20nm process. The 20nm HKMG process technology is perhaps Alpha’s ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: 20nm, chipset, CPU, Exynos, Exynos 5430, galaxy alpha, GPU, HKMG, metal, Performance, power, processor, resolution, Samsung, SoC, technology
The fact that Samsung was often criticized for using plastic instead of metal to build their smartphone’s chassis led to the development of a new and improved all-metal Galaxy S5. Rumors about its launch date kept on popping-out from everywhere, until now when an exciting rumor revealed that the Galaxy Alpha will be released on ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: aluminum, Android, chassis, Galaxy Note 4, KitKat 4.4, Launch date, metal, plastic, Samsung, Samsung Galaxy Alpha, Samsung Galaxy S5, Wednesday
Apple reveal iOS gaming boosting tech called Metal during the WWDC today. The new technology developed for iPad and iPhone is aimed at increasing the efficiency of processing power. Following the official announcement of iOS 8, the company talked about some of the benefits provided by Metal. The technology was designed for Apple’s A7 chips and is said ...
Categories: Mobile, Tech
Tags: A7 chips, App Store, Apple, Crytek, EA, Epic Games, iOS 8, iOS gaming, iPad, iPhone, metal, Metal technology, OpenGL, Plants vs Zombies, Unity, Unreal Engine 4, WWDC, Zen Garden
Samsung S5’s success has overwhelmed the entire mobile market and now it is about to surprise us again, revealing the new Samsung Galaxy S5 Prime sometimes in June. The official date remains unknown for now. Samsung has a habit of releasing new, improved models not long after the initial model hits the market, which makes ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: Display, KitKat, LG, metal, Prime, processor, Project K, QHD, resolution, Samsung S5, smartphone