CyanogenMod 12 has been announced earlier, most people expecting a release early in January, and it seems the company has finally caught up with expectations. Not only did it catch up, but Cyanogen released CyanogenMod 12 with Android 5.0.1 Lollipop for most Android devices that are compatible. The ROM from the famous company that has ...
Samsung has been implementing TouchWiz UI on Android into Galaxy phones for quite some time now. Many have criticized TouchWiz for being too colorful and cartoonish, which is true in comparison to the new Material Design elements Android has been implementing in the Google Play Store and future Android L OS. Samsung’s TouchWiz is the ...
We have become quite accustomed to seeing CyanogenMod everywhere, because we are currently witnessing the actual expansion of Cyanogen Inc. The company has purportedly been approached by Google’s Sundar Pichai who supposedly offered to buy Cyanogen. Rumors say that the company declined Google’s offer, which is odd. At the same time, we’re hearing rumors that ...
Google seems to be expanding its team even further, with new acquisitions popping up every week. The last major acquisition was Lift Labs, the tech geniuses that developed Liftware for people with tremors and Alzheimer’s. Google has approached another popular company recently, Cyanogen Inc, with a buyout proposal. Cyanogen created the CyanogenMod ROM that is ...
The CyanogenMod monthly update began rolling out today, with the promise of a few new features and a lot of bug fixes. CyanogenMod is an open source Android firmware many are keen on because it offers a lot of customization compared to stock Android or other ROMs. The only issue with CyanogenMod is that on ...
According to a report, LG is planning to offer a safer bootloader unlocking feature to developers, along with a specific server. The company is thinking about bringing bootloader unlocking support to all its future devices, but before doing so, it must terminate working on some fine details. The company is now thinking about what models ...