Update: Square Enix has confirmed the news. Original Story: The highly anticipated Final Fantasy 15 looks to be currently in the work and Square Enix is expected to release a playable demo next March. This information comes courtesy of a leak and although the original article was since deleted, it can still be seen on NeoGAF. ...
Categories: NEWS, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox One
Tags: Demo, Episode Duscae, Final Fantasy 15, Final Fantasy Type 0 HD, Final Fantasy XV, Remastered, Square Enix, Tokyo Game Show 2014
Square Enix announced on their website that they will publish French developer Dontnod’s new game, “Life is Strange”. The developer states that this will be a narrative-driven game, in which the story is influenced by the player’s choices. The game will be released episodically, with each new chapter building and evolving based on the before-mentioned ...
The Gamescom announcement that Rise of the Tomb Raider will be an Xbox exclusive managed to upset a lot of Playstation and PC owners who were eager to play the game on their platforms when it releases. Granted, Microsoft’s Phil Spencer confirmed that the game will only be timed exclusive so developer Crystal Dynamics can do whatever ...
Categories: NEWS, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Crystal Dynamics, details, exclusivity deal, Gamescom, Microsoft, Phil Spencer, Release Date, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Square Enix, Xbox exclusive
Microsoft announced during their Gamescom 2014 press conference that the highly anticipated Rise of the Tomb Raider will be exclusive to the Xbox One and Xbox 360. This decision was seen as both strange and unfortunate by PS3, PS4, and PC owners who were hoping to get their hands on the game when it releases next ...
Categories: LTG Slider, NEWS, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Crystal Dynamics, Exclusive, exclusivity deal, Gamescom 2014, Microsoft, Phil Spencer, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Square Enix, timed exclusive, Tomb Raider, Xbox
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition was first spotted on Amazon a couple of days ago, but the official announcement only came today via Square Enix’s blog. The company confirmed that this edition was specifically crafted for next-gen and will come with improvements such as 1080p resolution, increased audio fidelity, upgraded visuals, and improved gameplay among others. ...
Tags: 1080p resolution, confirmed, Definitive Edition, details, DLC, improved gameplay, Release Date, Sequel, Sleeping Dogs, Square Enix, Trailer, Triad Wars, United Front Games, upgraded visuals
Publisher Square Enix and developer Crystal Dynamics have revealed the Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Collector’s Edition, also known as the Gold Edition. This includes a number of exclusive items such as a 3-inch Lara Croft figurine, an art book featuring exclusive concept art, a map of the Overworld, and the Season Pass. ...
Categories: NEWS, PC, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox One
Tags: Collector's Edition, Crystal Dynamics, details, Deus Ex, exclusives, Gold Edition, Hitman, Lara Croft, Release Date, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Season Pass, Square Enix, Temple of Osiris, Tomb Raider
Square Enix announced that Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn will become free for PC users starting later today. The trial will last for two full weeks and can be downloaded from here once it becomes available. FFXIV is a subscription-based MMO so this is a great opportunity to try out the game free of charge ...
Tags: A Realm Reborn, content, Eorzea, Final Fantasy 14, Free, limitations, PC, recruit a friend, Square Enix, trial
Are you looking for Square Enix titles both old and new? If you are, then you definitely have to check out the latest Humble Bundle available for 12 more days as of this writing. You most likely already know that Steam, Origin, Good Old Games, and others are offering very good deals from time to time. Well, ...
Tags: charity, cheap games, Deus Ex, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Hitman Absolution, Humble Bundle, Kane & Lynch 2, Nosgoth, pay what you want, Square Enix, Steam, Thief
Lords of the Fallen, an upcoming Action RPG co-developed by CI Games and Deck13 Interactive will be arriving on October 31st, distributor Square Enix announced today. Lords of the Fallen is more commonly known as the European version of Dark Souls as there are plenty of similarities between the two. However, the upcoming title seems ...
Categories: NEWS, PC, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox One
Tags: 1080p, CI Games, classes, Dark Souls, Deck13 Interactive, features, Lords of the Fallen, new IP, Release Date, Square Enix, Story
Square Enix just announced that Final Fantasy 14 Patch 2.3: Defenders of Eorzea is now live while also revealing a trailer that showcases all the new content found within. The patch notes say that new story elements have been added which will allow you to learn more about who or what exactly is threatening Eorzea. Aside from ...
Tags: additions, content, Defenders of Eorzea, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy 14 update, Patch 2.3: Defenders of Eorzea, Square Enix, Trailer