The True Crime trademark has been abandoned by Activision due to failure to respond or file an action for the trademark. True Crime is a action-adventure series set in actual cities such as New York and Los Angelos. There were only ever two games with the True Crimes label, one in 2003 titled True Crime ...
Publisher Square Enix has recently released a lot of new screenshots for its upcoming free-to-play massive multiplayer online title, Triad Wars. Taking into account the game’s F2P nature, these latest screens looks pretty good, and – not surprisingly, since it’s being made by the same developer – it resembles United Front Games’ Sleeping Dogs quite ...
To celebrate the recent launch of Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition, developer United Front Games and publisher Square Enix have released a launch trailer and a few new screenshots. The game is now available in Europe and other PAL territories, while American gamers will get it on October 14th. Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition is available on ...
Publisher Square Enix and developer United Front Games have released the first trailer for their upcoming remaster of 2012’s Hong Kong-based open-world action/adventure, Sleeping Dogs. Called the ‘101 Trailer’, this latest footage showcases the game’s improvements over its previous version, which include native 1080p and new high resolution textures, increased traffic and pedestrian density, new ...
Categories: GAME TRAILERS, NEWEST GAME TRAILERS, NEWS, PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
Tags: 101 Trailer, hong kong, Sleeping Dogs: Enhanced Edition, Square Enix, United Front Games, Wei Shen
During a recent Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) session, developer United Front Games has revealed further details about the upcoming online-only PC exclusive Triad Wars, in addition to talking about a potential sequel to the open-world action/adventure title set in Hong Kong, Sleeping Dogs. According to Triad Wars producer Justin Bullard, United Front wanted to ...
Sleeping Dogs developer United Front revealed their next game, Triad Wars, which is going to be an online open-world action strategy game, that will be released on PC. Triad Wars is set in Hong Kong, in the same universe as Sleeping Dogs, but it doesn’t have anything to do with Wei Chen’s story. In Triad ...
Developer United Front Games (best know for its work on the open world third person shooter set in Hong Kong, Sleeping Dogs) has recently revealed via its official website that its next game – called Triad Wars – will be officially revealed this coming Monday, September 22nd. “James here, Community Manager for the upcoming PC ...
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition was first spotted on Amazon a couple of days ago, but the official announcement only came today via Square Enix’s blog. The company confirmed that this edition was specifically crafted for next-gen and will come with improvements such as 1080p resolution, increased audio fidelity, upgraded visuals, and improved gameplay among others. ...
Tags: 1080p resolution, confirmed, Definitive Edition, details, DLC, improved gameplay, Release Date, Sequel, Sleeping Dogs, Square Enix, Trailer, Triad Wars, United Front Games, upgraded visuals