If you’re like me and you’ve been itching to get an actual look at Total War: Warhammer in action, then today’s your lucky day. Creative Assembly has released in-game footage of The Battle of Black Fire Pass, a Quest battle that will become available to Karl Franz in the game’s campaign. It was shown off at E3, but now ...
Fans of Warhammer, unite! The long awaited Total War: Warhammer game is on its way, and to celebrate that fact, we’ve finally gotten a cinematic trailer. The trailer features Emperor Karl Franz leading a massive army against a whole lot of Orcs, and it looks really, really cool. There are a few nitpicks here and ...
There’s another Total War DLC on the way! But, before we all throw our hands up in disgust at EA and vow to never let our wallets meet the aforementioned DLC, an ever more increasingly common reaction to Total War DLC, let’s take a look at it. The past few DLC’s for Attila have added various ...
Total War: Rise of Mordor is currently in development and is set to be a total conversion mod to recreate the world of Middle Earth in a Total War game. When Medieval 2 came out way back when, a group of developers created the Total War: Third Age mod. This was hugely popular and still sees ...
The Total War series has always had a thriving modding community. Fan made creations have often been relied upon by gamers to fix, or improve upon, various elements of the game. Often used to overhaul features such as the game’s often critiqued buggy AI, agents, and diplomacy systems. Other times creating whole new games with complete overhauls with new maps and units. And ...
The recent announcement of Total War: Warhammer has caused quite a stir among fans of the series; personally, I’m quite excited despite my misgivings after Rome 2’s release. If you haven’t yet, check out the trailer below. Its got a whole load of goodies that are totally atypical of the TW series like: orcs, flying mounted units, and magical fireballs being ...
Creative Assembly's "unboxing" video for Total War: Attila features more horseback archers than details, but a full list is shown at the end.
Good things will always come from the partnership of Creative Assembly and SEGA. With Alien: Isolation finally good to go for next month, they announced a new upcoming title, Total War: Attila from the notorious Total War strategy series. The storyline of this sequel presents a grim outlook of a world struck by famine, disease ...