XCOM: Enemy Unknown re-imagined as a board game, will be featured at GenCon 2014
This is a bit unexpected, but definitely not unwelcome. Firaxis has teamed up with Fantasy Flight Games in order to bring us a new board game inspired by the highly acclaimed XCOM: Enemy Unknown. The game will be demonstrated next week at GenCon 2014 for the very first time. And we will certainly need the demonstration and explanations as the game seems a bit more complicated than your regular board game. Aside from cards, miniatures, dice and tokens, XCOM: The Board Game also features a very interesting digital component, which comes in the form of a free companion app.
” The most notable aspect of XCOM: The Board Game is the way that it incorporates a free and innovative digital app into the core of its gameplay, then uses the app to promote a unique play experience unlike anything you and your friends have previously encountered in a board game. This digital companion will be available both as a downloadable app and as an online tool. The app’s primary function is to coordinate the escalating alien invasion, randomly selecting from one of five different invasion plans. Each invasion plan represents a general outline that the alien commanders will use to coordinate the arrival of new UFOs, plan strikes against your base, and respond to your successes or failures as it seeks to conquer Earth. The app manages all of these tasks and heighten’s the game’s tension as it forces you to respond in real-time.”
This app also teaches you the rules and allows you to choose between three levels of difficulty among other things. XCOM: The Board Game can be played by up to four player, but you can also play by yourself if you want. All in all, this sounds like a great concept so hopefully it will be just as fan in practice as it sounds in theory.
Tags: Board Game, companion app, demonstration, Enemy Unknown, Fantasy Flight Games, Firaxis, GenCon 2014, rules, XCOM