Category: Playstation 4

Batman: Arkham Knight BatMobile Edition Canceled

If you’re a huge video game fan, you’re most likely waiting in anticipation for Rocksteady’s end to their Arkham trilogy, Batman: Arkham Knight. Frankly, even if you aren’t the biggest gamer you should still be excited for this epic adventure. Unfortunately, some recent news might bring down your excitement if you are on of many ...

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons coming to current gen

This holiday season, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons will come to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as well as mobile devices like Android, iOS, and Windows phones. According to IGN, the remastered version will include “a director’s commentary mode, soundtrack, and a gallery of concept art”. Minor spoilers ahead: Taking place in a fantasy ...

Logitech Unveils Slick New Racing Wheels

Buckle up and fire up that digital engine, Logitech had unveiled new top-of-the-line racing wheels for Playstation systems, Xbox One, and PC. There will be two models, each with realistic feedback and feel. On the Logitech Blog, the announcement post reads, “The wait is finally over with the announcement today that the Logitech G29 Driving ...

Disney Infinity V.P. shames amiibo shortages

Remember when Skylanders and Disney Infinity were released, and there were little to no shortages of figures? That all changed when Nintendo tossed its red cap in the ring. For a company that used to make toys prior to video games, Nintendo’s done a remarkably poor job with its amiibos. Collectors have to be dedicated ...

E3 2015: The Ratchet & Clank re-imagining trailer looks awesome

Why bother with E3? The much anticipated PS4 re-imagining-boot of Ratchet & Clank has just released its first trailer, and it looks pretty darn good. All of E3’s goodies are splurging onto the internet already and the show is still days away. It must feel like a guest at house party who arrives on time ...

Mega Man Legacy Collection Announced

Yesterday, Capcom officially announced Mega Man Legacy Collection. Digital Eclipse developed the collection, and Capcom will be publishing it. You can check out the trailer below. Mega Man Legacy Collection will bring the first six Mega Man games to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo 3DS, and PC. Despite Nintendo’s “Mega May” promotion, there don’t seem to be ...

More Interplay fallout: Van Buren still refuses to die

This week, I came across two pieces of evidence showing that the argument over the best game in the Fallout series has somehow become relevant again. The first: I almost got in a fight with a spotty cashier at a budget Icelandic supermarket on Thursday. I say almost. The guy had a rabid look in ...

E3 2015 Top 10: the most E3citing games

As I type this, the press conferences of E3 2015 start in 5 days. That’s just  5 days before the world is smacked in its bushy face by another bunch of stilted game execs and designers, shoved onstage to speak in a language they don’t really know, and children faking excitement at awkward family game ...