The PlayStation 4 20th Anniversary Edition unveiled by Sony
Sony’s glorified PlayStation console celebrated its 20th anniversary yesterday and on that occasion the company revealed a special Anniversary Edition of the PlayStation 4 to mark this historic milestone. From what we know so far, this limited edition of the PlayStation 4 has been reproduced in a small number of units, 12,300 to be more exact, which will be sold worldwide. This figure symbolizes the official launch date of the first PlayStation console, released on December 3rd, 1994. The PlayStation 4 Anniversary Edition will feature the classic grey finish indicative of the old PlayStation One and it looks like it will be available for pre-order in the US and Europe for the price of $499, respectively €499.
Sony is all about bringing back the PlayStation nostalgia to all the fans of the franchise, as they reignite the story of how this legendary console first came to life 20 years ago. Here reads:
“Hello PlayStation.Blog readers! Today is a very special moment in our history. It’s been 20 years since the launch of the original PlayStation, which released in Japan on December 3rd, 1994. It seems like only yesterday! I’m so glad that we can celebrate this moment together.
20 years is a long time! In 1994, many outsiders thought that Sony was slightly crazy to launch the original PlayStation into an incredibly competitive gaming market. Who could blame them? Sony was (and is!) famous for engineering great electronics, audio equipment, and many other consumer devices. But game consoles?!
Sony Computer Entertainment, founded by my mentor Ken Kutaragi, was a project borne out of sincere passion and deep admiration for the craft of game development. The mid 90s were an exciting time for game developers, driven by the explosion of powerful but affordable 3D graphics rendering hardware and the birth of many young and adventurous development studios. The original PlayStation was meant to embody that sense of adventure and discovery, that sense that anything was possible.
We sincerely thank you for joining us on our exciting 20-year journey. You have made every bump and scrape we took along the way worthwhile. And there’s so much more to come!
This being a limited edition PlayStation 4 means that it won’t be made available to a great number of retailers. Sony announced they will disclose additional information on how to purchase the 20th anniversary console soon. Pre-orders will open starting this Saturday 6th, while other specific details will be given during the PlayStation Experience event due to take place this weekend in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Categories: Playstation 4, Tech
Tags: 20th anniversary, Anniversary Edition, Playstation, Playstation 4, sony