Continuing from where our fearless protagonists last left off, Tales from the Borderlands: Catch a Ride wastes no time in getting back into what makes the Borderlands series great: lots of shooting and lots of laughable moments. The big questions though, are whether or not returning players will remember what is going on and will ...
Last July, Gearbox revealed an impressive trailer for their newest title, Battleborn. The game is meant to be a first-person MOBA complete with a cooperative campaign, to be released for the Xbox One, PS4, and PC. With its stunning visual style and promise to bring the ever-so-popular genre of MOBA’s to a console audience, Battleborn is guaranteed ...
Gearbox feeds the hype for its upcoming title by publishing an Homeworld Remastered trailer which showcases 4k resolution assets. The trailer, which was released on Gearbox’s YouTube channel earlier today, shows a few spaceships, structures and backgrounds in the game and displays the work that has gone into remastering this title to make it playable ...
Even with Borderlands: The Handsome Collection given a release date of March 27 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, it’s hard not to want some fresh Borderlands content. It looks like the series will be giving us just that with a brand new installment sometime in the future. This announcement was released in tandem with a ...
The original Borderlands game can now be played again on the Playstation 3, the last console lacking multiplayer support for the title. The game, which relied on GameSpy service for its multiplayer component, became unplayable after the service was shut down in May 2014. Gearbox said they have been working on a way to restore ...
Fresh out of PAX South, Gearbox has announced an HD remake Relic’s classic RTS game, Homeworld. Set to release on February 25th, Homeworld Remastered will include the original Homeworld 1 and Homeworld 2, along with the remade versions set to include new recordings from the voice cast, remade cinematics, a remastered score, new models, new textures, new special effects, ...
Developer Gearbox has recently announced Borderlands The Pre-Sequel’s first downloadable package called the Handsome Jack Doppelganger Pack brings in a fifth playable character, and – as the name implies – this newest addition to the game’s cast is Jack the Doppelganger. The Handsome Jack Doppelganger Pack lands on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on ...
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is now knocking at the door, and Gearbox Software plans on bringing fans the “diverse and culturally entertaining universe they adore.” From the first day, the Borderlands team always managed to create captivating characters to blend perfectly in the world of this action-figure fantasy game. Willhelm, Claptrap, Nisha, and Athena are battling ...
The next Borderlands game may well release on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 as well as other platforms. Speaking on a gaming television show Tony Lawrence and Matt Armstrong discussed the upcoming Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and explained why they were concentrating on bringing the title to the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. According ...
The closing of GameSpy at the end of this month is shaking up the industry. On one hand, this event shows that gaming is changing, and the need for 3rd party dedicated multiplayer servers is a thing of the past, and on the other hand, it shows how much some companies care about their titles, ...