From Software’s Bloodborne will likely be one of the most action-packed games of 2015 based on the footage showed so far. In fact, there’s so much action going on in most of the trailers that one might understandably forget that this game is primarily an RPG. The studio didn’t talk too much about the role ...
The Last of Us is back. Even though Naughty Dog stated that they were done with DLC in May, The Last of Us is receiving new DLC. While the official annoucnement won’t be here until tomorrow, YouTuber SanchoWest has released videos of him playing the game. The Last of Us’ new DLC’s name is yet ...
Categories: NEWS, Playstation 3, Playstation 4
Tags: Animation, DLC, Multiplayer, Naughty Dog, Online, PS3, PS4, The Last of Us, weapons, Youtube
Upcoming PS4 title, The Order: 1886, promises to be the action-adventure shooter with an old school touch and next-gen detail. The game is currently in development at Ready at Dawn and SCE Santa Monica Studios, and will be published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is expected to come out on February 20, next year, exclusively ...
You can never have enough of a good thing, especially since that thing is Assassin’s Creed Unity. Today we learned some new and exciting details about customization, skills, equipment and weapons thanks to the second part of the Player Progression DevBlog. Assassin’s Creed Lead Game Designer Benjamin Plich gives us a bit of insight into skill ...
Categories: NEWS, PC, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox One
Tags: Assassin's Creed: Unity, Customization, equipment, new details, skills, specialization, Ubisoft, weapons
While most of us are arguing and speculating about the Fallout 4 announcement, possible release date or even its actual existence, someone out there decided to take the franchise in a whole other direction. Sure, a sequel, prequel or even spin-off would be nice, but what about an MMORPG? Well, a group of modders called No Name Yet ...
Categories: ARTICLES, LTG Slider, MMORPG, PC
Tags: Ashes of the Phoenix, crafting system, fallout, fallout 4, FOnline, free to play, MMORPG, PVP, release, weapons
Ready to jump into Watch Dogs again and hack your way across Chicago for old times sake? If the answer is yes, then know that you will soon be able to do so as a different hacker in the upcoming Bad Blood DLC. The downloadable content releases on September 30th and lets you play as the ...
Categories: GAME TRAILERS, LTG Slider, NEWEST GAME TRAILERS, NEWS, PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Bad Blood DLC, hacker, new guns, new missions, perks, T-Bone Grady, Ubisoft, Watch Dogs, weapons
Back at E3 2014 Deep Silver announced Dead Island 2, the sequel to the highly successful survival horror developed by Techland. The cinematic trailer released then is extremely entertaining and presents a game that doesn’t seem to take itself too seriously. Unlike its predecessor, Dead Island 2 doesn’t try to be all that dark and scary, opting ...
Categories: GAME TRAILERS, LTG Slider, NEWEST GAME TRAILERS, NEWS, PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Dead Island 2, Deep Silver, Footage, Gameplay, Sunshine & Slaughter, Trailer, Unreal Engine, weapons, Yager Development, zombies
Warcraft is still over a year away and unfortunately we haven’t seen much of it until now, nor did we hear any particularly useful details. Today however we get to some the first real pictures of what the film is all about. Granted, they aren’t images from the movie itself, but they’re even better in ...
Tags: Comic-Con 2014, Doomhammer, Dragon Sword, Legendary Pictures, Lion Shield, logo, props, Release Date, SDCC 2014, Starcraft, Thrall, Trailer, Warcraft, Warcraft movie, weapons
id Software presented the first gameplay footage of DOOM at QuakeCon 2014, just like they promised earlier this year. This latest entry doesn’t have any subtitle or number attached to it so it’s just simply called DOOM, a fact that might confuse some people given that the original game also has that name. The original title is one ...
Categories: ARTICLES, NEWS, PC, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox One
Tags: 1080p resolution, 60fps, Demo, Doom, enemies, Gameplay, id Software, idTech 6, mechanics, QuakeCon 2014, weapons
EA and Visceral Games have announced Battlefield Hardline today. The game kicks off a brand new series in the Battlefield franchise and will feature a “cops and robbers” theme. Steve Papoutsis, Vice President and General Manager at Visceral Games stated that Battlefield Hardline will be launching this Fall, an exact date was not given though. The official ...
Categories: LTG Slider, NEWS, PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Battlefield Hrdline, details, E3, E3 2014, EA, equipment, Leaks, official announcement, release, vehicles, Visceral Games, weapons