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Tag Archives: Rainbow Six Siege

Possible inclusion of characters from Assassin’s Creed, Rabbids, and Ghost Recon in XDefiant

Ubisoft’s XDefiant, a shooter game that is free to play, has exceeded initial expectations, and the French publisher is now preparing extensive support for the game after its release. Through extensive data mining analysis of the game’s PC files, it has been discovered that there are already concrete intentions to introduce numerous additional factions inspired by Ubisoft characters. Assassin’s Creed, ...

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Rainbow Six Siege Gets 5.3 Update

The 5.3 update for Rainbow Six Siege aims to fix many prominent bugs.

Rainbow Six Siege has done pretty well for itself, but there have been plenty of bugs since day one. Although this patch won’t fix everything, the dev team has certainly addressed a lot of issues. While a lot of the fixes listed below are important, I and most Siege players are waiting and begging for higher-tick servers so that we can ...

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The Division and Raibow Six Siege will suffer no other delays

The Division and Rainbow Six Siege still set to release in 2015

A lot of gamers were disappointed last year when Ubisoft decided to delay Tom Clancy’s The Division and this disappointment only grew recently due to some rumors saying that the highly anticipated title might suffer yet another delay. Well, fans of Tom Clancy can rest assured knowing that The Division will indeed make its launch window, which at this point ...

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Rainbow Six Siege replaced Patriots because the latter was “old-gen”

One of the biggest surprises at E3 2014 was the unveiling of Rainbow Six Siege. Back in 2011 it was announced that the next installation in the series will be called Rainbow Six Patriots so naturally that’s what everyone expected to see at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo. Ubisoft stated in a recent interview with Rock, Paper, Shotgun that Rainbow Six ...

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