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Tag Archives: Online

The Elder Scrolls Online gets a calendar outlining future updates

There’s few things that irk players more than not knowing what might happen next in MMO games, and ZeniMax seems fairly aware of that. To that end, they released a calendar of sorts for The Elder Scrolls Online, detailing what kind of updates you can expect to see in the game in 2016. Social updates inbound Among the changes coming to the ...

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Capcom Director Teases New Game

Capcom CEO Teases New Game

Capcom has been on a news roll lately.With the announcement of Street Fighter V, Capcom has been busy. Don’t be fooled though, Capcom has something else to announce here soon. This time though it may be a little surprising to hear what they have to announce, while it isn’t certain, Capcom recently trademarked Dragon’s Dogma Online. A director from Capcom ...

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Kill Strain Beta Sign Up

Kill Strain Beta Sign Up

Kill Strain is one of the many games shown off at the PlayStation Experience this past weekend. The game is currently in pre-alpha and people who attended the convention were able to play it provide feedback. Sony San Diego announced Kill Strain while taking the stage. Sony San Diego did not say much about the game, but they did mention ...

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The Last of Us DLC Detailed

The Last of Us DLC Detailed

The Last of Us is back. Even though Naughty Dog stated that they were done with DLC in May, The Last of Us is receiving new DLC. While the official annoucnement won’t be here until tomorrow, YouTuber SanchoWest has released videos of him playing the game. The Last of Us’ new DLC’s name is yet to be known, but we ...

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The Crew: Embargo Lifts After Launch

The Crew - Embargo Lifts After Launch

Ubisoft has not had a great year and it looks like it may be getting worse for them sadly. As Ubisoft has announced that reviewers will not receive their review copies of The Crew until the day before release, December 1st. The servers for The Crew will also not be up until it’s official launch either. Ubisoft has posted the ...

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Bloodborne Collector’s Edition announced and detailed


Back at E3 2014, From Software and Sony unveiled what can only be described as the spiritual successor to Dark Souls and Demon Souls. This PS4 exclusive title is called Bloodborne and it’s what everybody has been talking about since the grand reveal. During the Tokyo Game Show 2014 it was announced that the game will be launched on February 6th, ...

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Eve Online turns 11 years old

The popular – yet very hardcore – MMO Eve Online turned 11 years old today.  To mark the momentous occasion, CCP Games sent out to all players a small “token of gratitude”: three in-game drones called Gecko super heavy drones to help players in their online quest. CCP also announced that eight more drones will be unlocked by the community ...

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DayZ-like MMO being developed by Sony

If neither DayZ nor Rust gets you excited, but you’d still like to play a survival online game, there’s hope yet. Seeing how popular survival MMOs have become lately, Sony Online Entertainment will be taking advantage of the potential market, and releasing its own game in the genre, entitled H1Z1. The name most likely comes from the name of the ...

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