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Tag Archives: steam greenlight

Drunk or Dead VR Game Enters Greenlight

Gear VR Innovator Edition available, warning included

VR is a very experimental platform at the moment. It’s freshly broken ground, and not a lot of developers seem to know what to do with it. Plenty of attempts have been made at charting this new frontier, with mixed results. Some games are built from the ground up for VR, while others feature VR as an optional peripheral. A ...

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Steam Greenlight Spotlight: Shape of the World

Today’s Greenlight Spotlight is on Shape of the World, a first-person exploration game with procedurally-generated environments that grow around you. First off, the game’s beauty really drew me in. While the art style presents no realism, it fills my mind with sensations of relaxation and peace. This would be a perfect example of a game that I would love to ...

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Steam Greenlight Spotlight: Estoc

Today’s Greenlight spotlight is focusing on Estoc, a simplistic multiplayer sword-fighting game. Often in games, simple mechanics lead to boring and repetitive gameplay, which in turn repels potential players. Estoc features such simple mechanics that I worry it won’t have enough lasting potential to draw a large community. However, as well as Nidhogg did (which is a very similar game), ...

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Steam Greenlight Spotlight: Tiki Galore

https://youtu.be/KqqdP8wbbrM Today’s Greenlight Spotlight is on Tiki Galore. Tiki Galore is an online multiplayer arena in which players control a Tiki Warrior with an unusual thirst to dominate his or her opponents. Battle your friends in free-for-all or team battles which take place in various immersive tropical levels. To be honest, the reason I chose to spotlight the game was ...

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Steam Greenlight Spotlight: Formula Fusion

https://youtu.be/2exjKNX0LTY Today’s Greenlight spotlight is on Formula Fusion, an action racing game that combines the best from Wipeout and F Zero in order to create a game that reinvents the arcade racing genre. Being a huge fan of F Zero, I was excited to see this game pop up on Greenlight. Racing through futuristic environments at ridiculous speeds is something ...

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Steam Greenlight Spotlight: Okhlos

Today’s Greenlight spotlight is on Okhlos, a unique take on the action-roguelike genre. In Okhlos, you take control of an angry mob of ancient Greek citizens. First of all, it is most likely pretty obvious as to why this game was chosen for the spotlight. Controlling an entire angry mob? Come on, that sounds like one of the most intense ...

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Preview: Starfall Tactics is the Next Big Space RTS

“Create a custom space fleet, lead it into battle and fight for control of the galaxy!” This is the sentence that I first read about Starfall Tactics, and it immediately led to me wanting to know more about the game. Space has always been a fascination of mine, and from space sims to RTS games such as Homeworld, I’ve lost ...

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Steam Greenlight Spotlight: Sentinels

https://youtu.be/AiJwQCSpi7E Today’s standout on Greenlight is Sentinels. Sentinels is a combination of elements of tower defense and the skills involved in first-person shooters. While games such as Toy Soldiers have taken similar mechanics and implemented them successfully in the past, it is still nice to see another game trying to put a spin on the tower defense genre. For me, ...

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Steam Greenlight Spotlight: Viridi

Today’s Greenlight spotlight is on a rather unorthodox game. Rather than being a game in a traditional sense, Viridi is more of a simulation and a tool to help unwind from a long and difficult day. It is the sort of game that you pick up when you’re having your morning tea on a Sunday morning. A game that you ...

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Steam Greenlight Spotlight: Guardians of the Forest

https://youtu.be/zrn7HaZh27Y Today’s standout on Greenlight is Guardians of the Forest, a multiplayer brawler that features cute animals that die in various violent ways. It seems that the theme of Greenlight games the past few days has been multiplayer arena/brawler games, and as a frequent game night attendee, I could not be happier to have a wider variety of games to ...

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