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Sonic Mania Trailer Released

Following Nintendo’s live stream of the Nintendo Switch presentation, many new trailers for several games have been released. One of those being ‘Sonic Mania’, a classic sonic game to be released for the Nintendo Switch this year. From watching the trailer, fans can see that the developers have gone back and taken inspiration from the old Sonic games, using simpler ...

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New Super Mario Odyssey Trailer Released

Excitement for the Nintendo Switch is at an all-time high, with the release date just around the corner and an exciting lineup of games announced to arrive on the new console in 2017. The most iconic Nintendo series is getting another entry with the announcement of Super Mario Odyssey. Super Mario Odyssey looks like an especially ambitious title, with this ...

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Sony Closes Guerrilla Cambridge

Guerrilla Cambridge was a video game developer and studio that was founded by Sony in 1977, the studio had a hand in creating games such as MediEvil and Little Big Planet. Recently, it was announced that Sony has closed the company. A spokeswoman for Sony said that around 50 people had been employed at the studio. The statement released by ...

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Legend of Zelda

New Legend of Zelda Game Trailer and Release Date

A new trailer for the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild has been released during the Nintendo Switch Presentation, as well as the confirmed release date of the anticipated game! During the livestream, it was confirmed the game will be released on March 3rd, the same day as the Nintendo Switch, meaning the new Legend of Zelda game will ...

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Although Heroes of the Storm is partially free, it will be completely free this weekend.

Heroes of the Storm Free Weekend

You may be wondering: isn’t Heroes of the Storm already free? (If you’re here and you don’t know what Heroes of the Storm is, read on!) While you wouldn’t be wrong, newer players only have access to a set of free-to-play heroes until they unlock all of them either through buying them or through grinding for in-game currency. Fortunately, Heroes ...

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The 5.3 update for Rainbow Six Siege aims to fix many prominent bugs.

Rainbow Six Siege Gets 5.3 Update

Rainbow Six Siege has done pretty well for itself, but there have been plenty of bugs since day one. Although this patch won’t fix everything, the dev team has certainly addressed a lot of issues. While a lot of the fixes listed below are important, I and most Siege players are waiting and begging for higher-tick servers so that we can ...

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IEM Katowice 2017 is coming on March 1-5.

Counter-Strike IEM Katowice 2017 Details Announced

Although it’s only the tenth of January, plenty of professional CS:GO (ASUS ROG tournament, Mountain Dew League) has already occurred. However, there’s plenty to come, and Intel Extreme Masters just announced the details of the upcoming IEM Katowice 2017 tournament, barring the teams that will be invited. 12 teams from around the world will compete for a share of the ...

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Free Update Brings Toddlers to The Sims 4

They’re finally here! Over two years after the release of The Sims 4, toddlers are being added to the game in a free update. Previously, Sim children had aged up from babies directly to children, which was a little bit jarring to say the least. Toddlers had been featured in every Sims game since the Sims 2, so the fact ...

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Dota 2 kicks off an explosive new year at ESL One Genting.

Dota 2 Kicks Off 2017 With ESL One Genting

Not even a week has passed yet in 2017, but the first major Dota 2 tournament is already well underway. At ESL One Genting, eight of the world’s finest Dota 2 teams are competing for a total prize pool of $250,000. Virtus Pro, Fnatic, Newbee, Team NP, Digital Chaos, Execration, Wings Gaming and WG Unity are fiercely competing. The games ...

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Indie JRPG Guardians of Arcadia Announced

JRPGs continue to be a popular genre worldwide. Despite their distinctly Japanese development, games like the beloved series Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star, and Shin Megami Tensei have a wide audience worldwide. Recent JRPGs, perhaps due to evolving audience desires, have often strayed away from the classic turn-based goodness that make retro titles so iconic. The difference between Final Fantasy’s origins ...

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