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Hades 2 in Early Access Receives Rave Reviews, Significantly Improving Upon Its Predecessor

Hades II has just been released in early access on PC, and according to various outlets that had the chance to play the unfinished version beforehand, the sequel from Supergiant Games has already surpassed the original in terms of scale, even before reaching its final 1.0 version. According to the game’s Steam page, Hades II in Early Access boasts an impressive array of environments, foes, and fully-voiced characters, surpassing the content of the original Hades game.

The significant expansion of the roguelike formula has garnered an abundance of positive reviews for the early access version. Numerous websites have heaped praise upon it, hailing it as one of the finest early access releases to date. In their review, IGN gave the current version of Hades 2 a 9/10 rating and praised it as an exceptional sequel to one of the greatest roguelites ever made, even in its early access state.

In regards to Hades 2, it’s worth noting that its scale is truly exhilarating. The Early Access build offers a tantalizing glimpse into the potential of what’s to come. With numerous characters left unexplored, the anticipation for the next update is already building.

According to Supergiant Games on the Steam store page, Hades 2 is set to stay in early access until at least the end of 2024. In the coming months, the PC version will be treated to regular major updates, each bringing exciting new content to the game. “We have dedicated over three years of hard work to the development of this game. For our Early Access launch, we aimed to strike a delicate balance with Hades II. We wanted to ensure that players could dive into the game and have a satisfying experience from the get-go. At the same time, we didn’t want the game to be so advanced in development that we couldn’t make necessary improvements based on the valuable feedback we receive. The early access version lacks a conclusive ending, a specific region, several HUD icons, and character art.

Considering the developer’s intention to stay in early access until the end of this year, it seems unlikely that a PS5 version will be available before 2025. While there hasn’t been an official confirmation for console versions yet, it’s highly likely that Hades II will be ported to Sony consoles in due time. This is based on the fact that the first game eventually made its way to other platforms after its early access phase.

Have you had the chance to experience Hades II during its early access phase on PC? Feel free to leave your initial thoughts in the comments section.

About Jacob Chambers

Old-school gamer with a cheeky tongue that gets me in trouble. When I'm not playing games, I'm writing about them, preferably in the vicinity of a fridge! Oh, and if you're a Justin Bieber fan, I'm afraid we can't be friends!

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