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Elite Dangerous PS4 Release Announced

Elite Dangerous was a bit of a surprise, but not an unwelcome one. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, it launched in 2014, breathing fresh life back into the Elite franchise. A move that was particularly surprising, considering that space flight simulators had become a rather niche market. Despite this, Elite Dangerous enjoyed a healthy launch and earned a respectable fanbase. Eventually, the game was ported to both Mac and the Xbox One. Despite this, the game was not available to PS4 players. This is about to change though, as an upcoming PS4 port of the game has just been announced.

Elite Dangerous has many selling points that Frontier Developments aim to bring to the PS4. A massive, open world where the player is free to go where they please, as well as do whatever they wish. The setting of Elite Dangerous is so large, it can take extended periods of time to reach destinations. Many gamers have compared favorably to space trucking. This is combined with governments that span the galaxy, with players able to impact the balance of power. Their actions will decide the fates of wars, and whether empires rise or fall.

Of course, Frontier Developments will be making some unique tweaks to the PS4 version of Elite Dangerous. Obviously it won’t have the razor sharp graphics a PC will be able to output, but there will be neat features included. The touchpad of the DUALSHOCK controller will be utilized, with swipes performing navigational actions. Hotkeys will also be integrated into the touchpad, making gameplay faster and easier. There will even be optional motion controls that will enable players to easily look around. The PS4 version of Elite Dangerous will ship with every expansion the game has received so far. It has been penned for a Q2 release in 2017.

About David MacDonald

A life long game and half life long writer, David always sought to combine his passions and write about games online.

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