Star Wars: Battlefront, a remake of the beloved series of the same name, launched back in 2015. Despite looking very pretty, it was also subject to a high amount of criticism. Many felt that it was an incomplete experience, with no single player mode and only a threadbare multiplayer mode. Surprisingly, and pleasantly, EA has responded to this criticism, not unlike how they responded to Titanfall 2. It was only just recently announced that Star Wars: Battlefront 2 will include a proper single player story mode.
The approach Star Wars: Battlefront 2 will be taking is an interesting one. The first game focused primarily on the Original Trilogy of Star Wars movies. The Battle of Jakku hinted at the Force Awakens, but we never saw a character or equipment that appeared outside of the Original Trilogy. Only a recent Rogue One mission has changed that. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 will be moving away from that though, and will be bringing in multiple time periods. It hasn’t been specified, but it’s very likely that we will be seeing prequel characters, as well as sequel characters. Not just from The Force Awakens, but very possibly from Rogue One as well. If you wanted to play as a character from those movies, you may be getting your chance some the holiday season.
There has been a noticeable change in the development of Star Wars: Battlefront 2. The game before it was solely developed by DICE, the company famous for the Battlefield games. This time, however, the game will be co-developed by both them, and Criterion, the creator of Burnout. It’s interesting to see a developer mainly known for car games to be involved in Star Wars: Battlefront 2. It hasn’t been specified how the two will be divided up content, but hopefully they will play to their strengths.