Home » NEWS » Kamiya is taking Bayonetta ‘To The Grave’, believes franchise will continue

Kamiya is taking Bayonetta ‘To The Grave’, believes franchise will continue

After Hideki Kamiya left PlatinumGames earlier this year, many wondered what would become of our favorite Umbra Witch. Kamiya helped start and maintain Bayonetta.

Kamiya clarifies his role in the series in his latest YouTube video before saying he thinks PlatinumGames will continue the franchise without him. Before this, he reiterates his plan to make the franchise a nine-part saga, saying he will likely take it “to the grave”.

His exact words:

“As I explained earlier, I worked on Bayonetta 1, 2, 3, and Origins. I’ve talked about this in various interviews that the Bayonetta franchise would consist of a total of nine episodes and that I wanted to grow the franchise as the ‘Bayonetta Saga’. But it seems like I may have to take the full saga to the grave with me. It’s a shame.

“It’s not like I own the Bayonetta IP, but I suppose those that do will probably keep it going.”

Kamiya also expressed his desire to return to the Viewtiful Joe and Okami franchises, saying he had a third game planned and jokingly contacting Capcom in the video.

About Jacob Chambers

Old-school gamer with a cheeky tongue that gets me in trouble. When I'm not playing games, I'm writing about them, preferably in the vicinity of a fridge! Oh, and if you're a Justin Bieber fan, I'm afraid we can't be friends!

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