Home » NEWS » Nintendo will be live streaming The Legend of Zelda Orchestra Concert for free

Nintendo will be live streaming The Legend of Zelda Orchestra Concert for free

Ever experienced the frustration of waiting forever for a bus, only to have two show up simultaneously? Well, maybe not exactly like a Games critic, but the thing is, within less than 24 hours of ZREO: Second Quest dropping an orchestral rendition of ‘Midna’ from ‘Twilight Symphony’, Nintendo has just revealed that they will be live streaming a special performance of The Legend of Zelda orchestra concert.

The pre-recorded performance is scheduled to take place on February 9th, 2024, at 5 a.m. PT, 8 a.m. ET, and 1 p.m. GMT on Nintendo of America’s official YouTube channel. It is expected to feature a wide selection of tracks from the Zelda franchise, with a special emphasis on Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.


If you’re curious about the duration or permanence of this addition to Nintendo’s YouTube catalogue, mark your calendars for February 9th. It’s definitely worth watching if you have any interest in it.

Rest assured, we’ll be here to provide comprehensive coverage when it launches. We definitely have it covered.

About Jacob Chambers

Old-school gamer with a cheeky tongue that gets me in trouble. When I'm not playing games, I'm writing about them, preferably in the vicinity of a fridge! Oh, and if you're a Justin Bieber fan, I'm afraid we can't be friends!

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