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Release Date For Resident Evil HD Remaster Revealed
Release Date For Resident Evil HD Remaster Revealed

Release Date For Resident Evil HD Remaster Revealed

Resident Evil HD Remaster is one of the latest remasters done in recent years. While many other remasters haven’t excited some fans, the Resident Evil HD Remaster, a remake of a remake, seems to be driving fans insane. Capcom has announced that the Resident Evil HD Remaster will digitally launch in North America for PS3, Xbox 360, PC (through Steam), Xbox One, and PS4 on January 20th! So fans can rejoice as they will not have to wait too long to revisit a classic. Players can revisit the classic  for only $19.99. The original Resident Evil HD was on the GameCube alone in 2002, so it may seem somewhat odd that the game isn’t going to the current Nintendo console. I don’t believe Capcom has responded as to why this is, but it’s rather interesting.

This actually isn’t even the 2nd Resident Evil remaster, as the Wii received it in 2009. The remaster was called Resident Evil Archives. So, not only has the game been remastered twice, it was remastered on Nintendo consoles twice. It’s interesting to see it not going to the Wii U for these reasons. I do not believe Capcom has any plans as of now to actually bring over Resident Evil HD Remaster to the Wii U at any point either.

It seems rather odd for Capcom to skip over Nintendo so easily. This could be due to a couple reasons, Capcom’s financial woes may be one of those reasons to why Wii U owners will not see the game. As third party games on the Wii U aren’t top sellers and Capcom currently needs to focus on sales, not old relationships. It will be interesting to see if the Resident Evil HD Remaster comes out to the Wii U at some point, but right now it does not appear as if it will. Players will be visiting the classic soon enough though on many consoles.

About Christopher Mark Stahler

Christopher is a Contributor at Load The Game and a Community Manager for Project Extract. If he isn't writing about games or playing games, then he's more than likely thinking about, you guessed it, games. Christopher prefers RPGs over all, but isn't opposed to jumping in to just about anything.

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