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Final Fantasy VII Coming to PS4 in 2015
Final Fantasy VII Coming to PS4 in 2015

Final Fantasy VII Coming to PS4 in 2015

Final Fantasy VII has been considered to be one of the greatest RPGs of all time. Now PlayStation 4 users will get the chance to experience the game this Spring.

At a keynote speech at the PlayStation Experience, Square Enix announced that they will be porting Final Fantasy VII over to the PS4. The game will be released in Spring of 2015. The game will not be the original PS1 version, but rather the 2012 PC version with up scaled graphics. On Steam, the game had achievements, so it would not be surprising if the PS4 port of Final Fantasy VII had trophies as well. Square Enix also released a small trailer with the announcement, which can be seen below.

Originally released in 1997, Final Fantasy VII was critically acclaimed, and is considered to be one of the greatest games of all time. The title introduced the conflict between characters Cloud and Sephiroth, which has become one of the greatest rivalries in video game history. At the time, the game’s visuals were groundbreaking, and the music was influential. Final Fantasy VII was the first game in the series to use 3D models, rather than the 2D sprites of the past games in the series. The title was also the first game to only use 3 characters at a time in battle, rather than the usual 4-5. The game was originally in development for the SNES, and was moved to the Nintendo 64. When it was found that the game would not fit onto the system’s cartridges, Square decided to release the game on the CD-ROM based PlayStation instead. The game’s plot originally incorporated time travel, but that was instead used in Square’s later title Chrono Trigger.

Final Fantasy VII will be coming to the PS4 this Spring. The title is already available on Steam. The title was originally released for the PlayStation.

About Egon Kilin

I’m Load The Game’s co-founder and community manager, and whenever I’m not answering questions on social media platforms, I spend my time digging up the latest news and rumors and writing them up. That’s not to say I’m all work and no fun, not at all. If my spare time allows it, I like to engage in some good old fashioned online carnage. If it’s an MMO with swords and lots of PvP, I’m most likely in it. Oh, and if you’re looking to pick a fight in Tekken or Mortal Kombat, I’ll be more than happy to assist! Connect with me by email markjudge (@) loadthegame.com only

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