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Fallout 4

6 Things That Will Likely Get Announced at E3 – Fallout 4, DOOM and more

What is likely to be announced or reveal at E3 in a few weeks? I have a look at the 6 most likely candidates.

1 – DOOM

With a short trailer being released a few weeks ago it is almost certain we will finally get to peep some more of DOOM at this year’s E3. I imagine the title will open for Bethesda during their press conference, during which they hopefully announce a release date for holiday 2015. However I expect this to be overshadowed by another Bethesda announcement…

2 – Fallout 4

Surely this is the year Fallout 4 is announced. It has been almost 5 years since Skyrim was released, which was Bethesda’s last big, open world RPG. There have already been some suggestions it will be announced this year after a LinkedIn profile claimed to have worked on the title. I expect this will close Bethesda’s conference and will likely be the biggest reveal of E3.

3 – No Man’s Sky

Since gameplay was shown back in 2013, very little news has come out regarding the Sony exclusive indie title. Currently being developed by a small British team, the game was one of my most highly anticipated games when it was first shown. I expect we will be given another sneak peak and hopefully a confirmed release date.

4 – Morpheus

Sony will likely spend a lot of their press conference focusing on the VR headset. With the Facebook owned, Oculus Rift being given a provisional release date of 2016, I expect a similar announcement from Sony at E3. I think we will find out prices, release dates and games as well as lot of hilarious on stage demonstrations.

5 – Kinect

After Phil Spencer’s recent statement that Microsoft hasn’t given up on the motion controller, I expect Microsoft will showcase a few more Kinect titles. This will act as Microsoft’s alternative to the VR announcements and allow them something unique to talk about. Expect announcements of new dance, sport and party games and hopefully a new IP that tried something new with the system.

6 – The Division

Despite the fact has been delayed, again, I still expect Ubisoft to devote sometime to the MMO to show it is still moving in the right direction. We have seen very little of The Division since its original reveal at E3 2013. I expect we will see some more of the game world and the scope of the title. We might even see a different type of door get closed as the player brushes past it.

About Dave Siddall

A masochistic game reviewer, taking pleasure in games that beat me into submission regularly.

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