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Hammer Bees

Danes make a projectile bee simulator

Black Grain Games, an indie developer from Copenhagen has just released a casual action puzzler for the iOS and Android platforms. Hammer Bees seems to derive its gameplay from the classic Arkanoid. It involves slingshot bees that bounce on collisions. The player needs to launch bees to hit the wall at the far end of the play area and carve off some of it. Obstacles appear to include rotating blades (yikes!) and moving charges that explode, which appear to actually be helping rather than hinder you. The game video doesn’t seem to betray much more than this, although more elements could be hiding in later levels. I must say, that I could never envision an actual theme for Arkanoid, yet here we have bouncing bees, going kamikaze on a bear’s house. It seems plausible if you can twist your imagination enough.

The developer hasn’t got much else to show off with, as their resume include a couple of interactive story books. However they feel confident enough to charge about 1$ for the game download. If you’re feeling nostalgic for the eighties gaming scene or simply want to give support a fairly new developer, then go try Hammer Bees. It’s fresh off the hive!

About Alston F. Marshal

I am in love with the concept of gaming. I consider it to be the best kind of distraction on this side of the galaxy. I am particularly fond of indie development and the great games of yesteryear. When not sitting, I like hiking and bike trekking.

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