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Halo 5 - Guardians Beta Pushed Up
Halo 5 - Guardians Beta Pushed Up

Halo 5 – Guardians Beta Pushed Up [updated]

According to CVG, Halo 5: Guardians Beta is pushed up. While the beta was originally scheduled for December 29th, it appears as if it has been pushed up to the 9th of December. While this could very well be an error on CVG’s behalf, it does not come as the only source for this news. According to Xbox Complete, the moved up date is also in the latest Game Informer’s Upcoming section.

While it may be easier to make a mistake on an online article I do not see it being so easy for a magazine issue of Game Informer. 343 has not yet confirmed or denied these rumors so we will have to stick around for that. The article by CVG was an interview with 343’s executive producer Dan Ayoub. While the article was posted at a rather early time, coming in at around 4:30am PDT, it does seem very feasible to think that the beta will be moved up.

Halo 5 - Guardians Beta Pushed Up
Game Informer is quite sure that Halo 5: Guardians Beta is coming soon

With many issues around 343’s Master Chief Collection, this could be a service to fans who have had their experienced bogged down by said issues. For those of you unaware, the Master Chief Collection has had numerous issues with it’s matchmaking systems. Some players have had little to no luck when it comes to finding a match to play and while these issues are currently being addressed, many are outraged by the broken system. December 9th may seem like a rather familiar day as well to some, and it should be, as the original creator of the Halo series, Bungie, is releasing their first expansion for Destiny titled “The Dark Below” so it looks like they may have some competition from their own creation. While the official Xbox site still says the December 29th date, it does seem very likely that the date will be pushed up with these two credible sources backing the date. We will however update if 343 comes out for or against the new date.

UPDATE:  “As previously announced, the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta will officially begin on Dec. 29, 2014 and run through Jan. 18, 2015. Any dates claiming otherwise are inaccurate,” a spokesperson from Microsoft said.

About Christopher Mark Stahler

Christopher is a Contributor at Load The Game and a Community Manager for Project Extract. If he isn't writing about games or playing games, then he's more than likely thinking about, you guessed it, games. Christopher prefers RPGs over all, but isn't opposed to jumping in to just about anything.

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