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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt new release date announced

It looks like we won’t be able to play The Witcher 3: Wild Hunter in February after all as CD Projekt Red announced just moments ago that the game has been delayed….again. The latest chapter in The Witcher trilogy was initially meant to come out in late 2014 but was subsequently pushed back until February 17th, 2015. The developers mentioned earlier this year that they want to provide the best possible product for gamers to enjoy and that’s why they need a little more time to polish up the game. Unfortunately, it seems like CD Projekt Red is still not finished and need an additional three months before they can deliver on their promise. As such, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been pushed back until May 19th, 2015.

The developers apologized for the delay earlier today and assured fans that they are working hard in order to make Wild Hunt “one of the best RPGs you will ever play.” CD Projekt also says that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the most important game in the studio’s history and it needs to be done right. This means no bugs or any other issues that might impact the game in a negative way. “The sheer size and complexity of The Witcher, key features of the title, have had a decisive impact on production,” CD Projekt Red said in a letter to the fans. “Now, nearing the end of our work, we see many details that need to be corrected. When we release the most important game in our studio’s history, we must be absolutely sure that we did everything we could to limit any bugs to a level that will allow you to enjoy the game thoroughly.”

It’s certainly sad that we have to wait a few more months to play The Witcher 3, but at the same time, I’m glad to see that some developers are willing to spend more time working on a game to make it as good as they promised. It’s not secret that recently almost all AAA games launched with a plethora of bugs and glitches that made them very difficult to enjoy. Yes, I am mainly referring to Assassin’s Creed Unity and I think Ubisoft could really learn a thing or two from CD Projekt Red. In any case, this news isn’t all bad considering that when The Witcher 3 does come out it will be a truly epic and bug-free game.

About Egon Kilin

I’m Load The Game’s co-founder and community manager, and whenever I’m not answering questions on social media platforms, I spend my time digging up the latest news and rumors and writing them up. That’s not to say I’m all work and no fun, not at all. If my spare time allows it, I like to engage in some good old fashioned online carnage. If it’s an MMO with swords and lots of PvP, I’m most likely in it. Oh, and if you’re looking to pick a fight in Tekken or Mortal Kombat, I’ll be more than happy to assist! Connect with me by email markjudge (@) loadthegame.com only

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