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Dragon Quest is looking into having more western releases

American and European Dragon Quest fans haven’t had the easiest time getting a hold of the newest games released from the franchise, not only did Dragon Quest X had to wait a long time to even get a comment regarding a release outside of Japan, but the heavily requested Dragon Quest Heroes II and Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 haven’t even been mentioned for a release to the West yet. However, things are starting to look up for fans of Dragon Quest, this year Dragon Quest Builders released on countries outside of Japan, and since it had a positive critical reception, Square Enix has promised to pay more attention to american and european markets when it comes to Dragon Quest.

Dragon Quest Builders producer Noriyoshi Yamaoto spoke about the game’s western release and the future of the Dragon Quest franchise on western markets, he stated Square Enix was “committed to bringing more Dragon Quest titles in the West as we believe it truly has potential to succeed even better” along with comments regarding how Dragon Quest Builders works “as an entrance to the vast Dragon Quest universe” and an “instant access to something that has taken us 30 years to build”.

It’s unknown what this means for the franchise, due to the fact that most of their latest games have been exclusive to japan, like the Final Fantasy inspired spinoff Dragon Quest Theatrhythm, There´s many ways Square Enix could start releasing them, but maybe troublesome localization is stopping them for now.

Personally, I thought Dragon Quest Builders looked really interesting and thanks to word of mouth it could end up being a sleeper hit, the world rebuilding mechanics combined with the blocky aesthetic makes it look like a strange combination of Actraiser and Minecraft. It has been surprisingly well reviewed and I’m sure Square Enix will pay attention to the game’s results on October¨s NPD reports, if it manages to reach the Top 10 I’m sure Square Enix will be eager to comment more about the franchise’s releases on America and Europe.

About Sebastian Guadalupe

Born in Peru, a student of Communications, and a dedicated xbox fan, Sebastian has loved videogames since he was 5 years old and he's determined to show the world that they can be art.

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