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Dishonored 2 New game Plus

Dishonored 2 fresh New Game+ update is here

Dishonored 2 is a stealth action-adventure game from Arkane Studios and Published by Bethesda. It has been out just over a month and has already won hundreds  of “game of the year” awards including “Best Action-Adventure game”  from The Game Awards. This week we found out that Arkane Studios and Besthesda now have a rather large update coming to the game in a few weeks. On Monday 19th December Dishonored 2 shall receive it’s first free update for PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4. This update which is already available in Beta for PC will add a New Game+ mode to Dishonored 2.

This mode which will unlock once you have completed the game for the first time will let you play Dishonored 2 in a whole new way. Once you finish the game with either Emily or Corvo, this new game+ will let you replay the game anew but with a twist. Which ever character you decide to replay the game with will have access to all the powers of both Empress Emily Kaldwin and Royal Protector Corvo Attanto. Combine these powers to create all new custom power combos that were not available to you in the first play through. In New Game+ you also get to keep all the Bonecharm traits and runes from your first game to re-assign to your new power set.

This is just the first update Bethesda has played for Dishonored 2 with the second update set to arrive in January. The second free update is set to offer even more options to help customize your experience. This comes in the form of 2 new feature to Dishonored 2. A “mission select” feature and a “custom difficulty” setting will let you play the game the way you want. The “custom difficulty” will add a whole array of setting options that will let you customise the game to be as challenging or as easy as you want. We should here more on the second free update in the next couple of weeks. As soon as we get more information so will you.  Till then let us know what you think of the New Game+ update in the comments.



About Robert Scott

Robert Scott lives Blackpool in the Northwest of England. He has a really passion for gaming, films and keeping up to date on the latest TV shows. He has always loved Playstation since he received his first Psone when he was younger

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