Home » FUN CORNER » #NameYourJunkAfterAGame is exactly what you think it is
#NameYourJunkAfterAGame is going crazy on Twitter

#NameYourJunkAfterAGame is exactly what you think it is

Meanwhile, in the world of twitter: #NameYourJunkAfterAGame is a hashtag that’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s currently trending on twitter and oh boy, what a time it is to be alive.

If you could name your junk after a game, one game, what game would you pick? Go on, don’t be shy! Women and men alike can join in.

A few choice picks from twitter

I guess someone had to make the obvious joke…

I don’t know whether or not we should be aroused or unsettled.

I’m going with both.

I’m surprised Half-Life 3 wasn’t the more obvious option.

I’m never going to look at Solid Snake the same way ever again.

Again, another obvious one. But bonus points for tainting a beloved Nintendo franchise.

Triple points for forever ruining one of my favorite board games.

What I don’t get is that Hungry Hungry Hippo is a game where 4 open-mawed hippos fight over a large cluster of balls.

I…I don’t want to dwell on this for too long.

The sheer level of sass alone warrants a mention for this tweet.

Although if you really wanted an overly long board game – Monopoly barely compares to literally anything by Fantasy Flight Games. But I digress. The hashtag is currently trending and probably won’t stop any time soon. Oh and before you ask, I’d have to go with “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword”

Would you #NameYourJunkAfterAGame? Feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments.

About Anthony Sarian

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