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The Sense: invisible high-tech sleep monitor

It’s not actually invisible, but you surely don’t notice the effort you have to put into monitoring your sleep via the usual wearable devices or smartphone apps. The Sense is a sleep monitoring device designed by James Proud’s Hello company. The device is a small sphere decorated with geometric patterns and intricate design hiding a device that is quite smart.

The sphere sensor monitors your environment from humidity to pollen, temperature, noise, and calculates sleep cycles and interprets them. It comes with the Sleep Pill, a small clip-on that you attach to your pillow so it can use its six-axis accelerometer and gyroscope to track your movement during your sleep. It communicates all the information it gathers to the sphere via Bluetooth Low Energy and ANT. You also need the designated application to decode the data the sphere and the pill gather from your environment and your sleeping patterns so that it can tell you when you should wake up, what kind of sleeping patterns you have, what disturbs you in your sleep and what helps. The Sphere features a smart alarm that wakes you up when you can, not when you want to, focusing on your sleep patterns and cycles and giving you percentages based on them. These data The Sense provides are aimed to make you aware of your sleep and try to get the most of it.

Basically, just like any other sleep tracker similar to Sleep As Android. The thing that differentiates The Sphere from these application is the technology that is built into it and the remarkable design concept that just brightens up the bedroom. Hello also leaves you with the impression of a small, ambitious and dedicated company who are genuinely interested in user preferences.

A futuristic and nice touch to this device is the proximity sensor that lets you wave your hand over the sphere (much like a crystal globe) and it will by stopping alarms or by lighting up a ring of LEDs at the base to get feedback on your environment. You can watch the impressive Sense at work here. The company has not denied interest in developing other devices and getting in on the competition with other smart wearable hardware companies. With The Sense, Hello goes up against pioneering Nest (recently acquired by Google, which is interesting), Vessyl, Spire, Misfit and Fitbit, so the need for innovation is always present. We will have to wait patiently and see where Hello ends up, because their senses were spot on!

About Egon Kilin

My life-long dream has been to test out every gadget on the market! Considering the fact that I've rapidly destroyed almost every gadget I've had so far, I'm not inclined to owning something, so my ideal outcome would be to have a different gadget each month. I'm really into smartphones, wearables and tablets and I love Playstation and Xbox, I'm sure I'll beat you at your own game (after a month of training... or two)

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